Join the Latvian Foreign Legion!

Day 789, 12:28 Published in Czech Republic Latvia by Kara ministrija">

Interested in an adventure in your elife? Or are you just looking for a new country to call home? Perhaps you would like to enroll in the military? If you have answered yes to any of these, there is a golden opportunity awaiting you here in Latvia.

Currently the Latvian armed forces are undergoing a complete reconstruction and within this lies a chance just waiting for you to jump on. Within the new Latvian Army, there will be a Foreign Legion - an elite unit consisting of the strongest and the most disciplined soldiers in the country, which allows for all you English speakers to capitalize on a new life.

Small, yet highly organized, the Latvian Army has already proven it’s might all across the globe – whether by liberating Slovenia , conquering Finland or by defending some of the most important regions in the New World – it is a force to be reckoned with.

Joining the force is a great choice that would allow you to get a 200 to 300 LVL paycheck per week and we would supply our members with weapons for important battles! This is just an awesome chance for anyone to capitalize on furthering your damage/rank and gaining experience in the military that will be a huge asset to you the rest of your eLife.

The requirements are as follows:

1) we are asking for you to be of strength 13+
2) you must be able to communicate in English
3) we are looking for active members only!

If you meet those requirements then you are eligible to advance to the second stage of recruitment.

If you are interested to join, contact the Latvian Minister of War – Nameisis.

Thank you,
The Latvian Army.