Join The Goddamned National Guard

Day 477, 08:33 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson
---Letter From The Editor---

Frustration has set it.

It was shouted from every shoutbox, printed in papers including my own:


We shouted, desperate to come out of this war with something that might resemble an upper hand. Hurried orders were sent out from all Officers online to as many soldiers that could be reached. A strategic, decisive move to attempt to stop Portugal's/PEACE's advance. A resistance war funded by the private holdings of an individual (Nonesuch).

As of print time 8:22, the wall in Oaxaca sits at 9.7k above.

It'd be one thing if PEACE had moved in heavy-hitters to stop it, in an attempt to keep us in their sights. That would be acceptable, though disappointing.

But no. Instead it's the uninformed citizenry of our nation that have worked against us. Citizens who, instead of reading shoutboxes or newspapers, or even for a moment considered what the reasoning behind this could be, fight for the defenders, secure in the knowledge that they are helping their country. This is tantamount to shooting ourselves in the fucking foot.

I don't claim that the military has the finest communication and organization in the New World. It's run by people, and people are error-prone. But for the love of least we managed to tell our people which side to fight on. The more citizens we have that decide to go "Rambo", the greater the damage will be when the US tries to organize military strategy on any level.

So join the Goddamned National Guard.

Hari Michaelson