Join the CNC today!!

Day 815, 11:04 Published in Canada Canada by eCNC

As one of the top five parties of eCanada, the CNC hopes to get more people politically active. Why should people care about politics? Because every voice and idea is important and even those who dislike politics should be given an opportunity to express their opinions on politics and any changes they would like to see in government. But what exactly is the CNC? No one can express it better than Treian who has been the Party President and a member since the party began:

“We are a party that was created after the restoration of eCanada that was non-partisan and was here to allow any and all interested citizens to join and run for congress as not every party had been resurrected. Now the CNC still stands for non-partisan politics. We pride ourselves on cooperation and collaboration. The CNC is built around unity, not just the unification of the nation but of the people. We accept all citizens and their ideas and opinions. Everyone’s word is heard and all ideas are accepted. We try to help newer players get involved, and get them interested in the game, and we're just an all around bunch of great and nice people!!”

-Treian Former Party president of the CNC, and member of the Order of Canada.

The CNC works hard for the betterment of eCanada. We are always looking for ways to improve our nation for all its citizens. What makes the CNC different from all other top five parties is our non-partisan and centrist politics. We have worked with nearly every political party in eCanada on different fronts and are proud to have done so. As a party we welcome a wide variety of views. Our policies are pragmatic rather than driven by doctrine. Those differences allow the CNC to see many more options than other parties and thus to have numerous approaches to understand and correct a problem.

The people who make up the CNC truly love Canada and are concerned with its well-being. We are friendly and welcome all who want to become more active politically or simply want to see what it is like to be part of a party.

The link to our forum is: . You can visit the “Welcome” area of the party forum without being a member of the party.

This is the link for the “CNC Chat” room:

To become a member: Look at “My places” then select “Party”. Click on “Join a party” and then select the Canadian National Coalition. At the right is a place name “Join party”, click on it and you are a new member of the CNC!

If you are qualified and wish to try to become a congressman, join our team and post up in the CNC party forum. Those members who post up will receive help and advice as well as party support and advertisement during election time.

Have questions? Want answers? Ask any one of the following members: Greg McNeish CNC Party President. 20Person CNC VP. Treian CNC Lifetime member and eCanadian extraordinaire. SledDog CNC congressional member.

So what are you waiting for?? Become an important part of eCanada’s future today!! Join the CNC!!