Join Saoirse - The New Horizon

Day 633, 16:00 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

Our Ideology

eIreland, Youth and Activity The 3 flags on our logo represent these 3 things.

- eIreland - Our motherland is one of the greatest countries in the eworld but we are sick of this bickering between parties when we should be concentrating on making our country better. We believe everyone in this country has the right to free speech, a listening and
determined government and a country we can be prould of.

- Youth - We are a party with quite a few "younger members" this is one of the greatest things about our party. Everyone is heard! We do not believe the number beside your avatar should determine how much of an input you get. We want Youth and we know you are sick of being in the shadows, join us and i promise you will be heard.

- Activity - We will respect and promote citizens activity. We believe an active party will be a major party. We demand an active government. Exp. levels will always fall second to Activity.

Why Should I Join Saoirse?

- They are a Pro-Miltary Party - Saoirse beleives in the Military being a major priority of the state. By achieving this it would mean our nation a force to be reckoned with. It would mean the IDF would have more volunteers and our Nation would pack more of a punch. Furthemore it would strenghen our unity as we would be all working as a unit.

- They have one of the youngest following in eIreland- Saoirse means Youth, and we believe that the youth should have more of their ideas taken after all they will be the succesors. We do not believe the number beside your avatar should determine how much of an input you get. We want Youth and we know you are sick of being in the shadows, join us and we promise you will be heard.

- They are a populist party - This means that we can change our party to suit the ever changing situation in eIreland. It also means all the members get a vote on what the party does. No party president dictatorships here!!!

What We believe

- Activity will always be put above exp level -"Its not about size, its what you do with it"

- We believe an in-depth budget should be shown to the eIrish citizens as frequently as possible - An informed nation is a happy nation.

- We believe eIreland should be an influential world player. Maintaining and building connections with other countrys should continue. We should not be scared of PEACE, EDEN and FORTIS they do not control the Whole World, there is other nations out there.

- We believe inter party politics is tearing our fair nation apart. We need to set aside our diffences and put our effort into developing our nation rather than dirt slinging at other parties..

Join Saoirse today and be heard!

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