Joe's War

Day 895, 11:37 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhelm Gunter">

I for one, could not be more ecstatic, and proud, to see Canada finally at war. I’ve been an eRepublik citizen for more than 7 months, and there have been cries imploring the government to find a war for us. I was born just as Nunavut, NWT, and Saskatchewan were liberated last fall. But since then, the Canadian military, at least on the home front, has been quiet. Yes, there have been wars we could fight in through MPPs. One exists now, between Hungary and Croatia. If you are a member of the CAF, you’ve likely fought in many wars on behalf of our allies.

But whatever case, it was never OUR war. During the months since our liberation, it was never Canada’s war. Even the war against the UK was not our war – we were a peripheral player who got to mop up for the other larger nations. We were never in danger of losing a home region or two.

All that has changed now. We alone, are actively fighting against France. Although unlikely in the near future, the real possibility of the French military again visiting the shores of Nova Scotia or New Brunswick increases as time goes on. The threat is real, if small for the moment.

This is what makes it personal. The other battles – what did it matter to the average Joe on the street whether Eden was able to push Brazil out of South Africa, or which foreign power – China or Hungary, controlled Hello Kitty? These battles were too far away, and the results of victory or loss seemed inconsequential to Joe – even if in reality they weren’t. Our own regions were never at stake in these battles.

Not any more. Joe is definitely concerned now. His business might come under the domain of a foreign power. His hospital or defence system might be destroyed. The cost for replacement is not lost on Joe. Being trapped behind enemy lines has both a personal and a national significance. No, now the consequences are real and recognized. And they are significant.

This can truly said to be Canada’s war – no, better we call it Joe’s War, even if the motives for it have more to do with overall EDEN/Pheonix strategies. Again, these motives, are too high and lofty for Joe to be concerned with. All Joe is concerned about is his businesses (if he has one), his employment, his health, his liberty and freedom. Joe has something to fight for now. Something he can sink his teeth into. Indeed, this is Joe’s war.

Average Joe

And this is why I am excited and ecstatic about being at war with France. Because it’s no longer only the experienced and veteran citizens who can find meaning in going to war, but my friend Joe as well.