Jobs available. Salary 1.11 PLN + 6 tanks

Day 1,545, 05:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

Fellow Brits,

I believe I'm setting up a good job opportunity for 8 workers. I'll explain the details later if you contact me.

You know, the economic situation in England is not too good. It's evident, because of the production resources, we hit the rock bottom. You can for example, earn more, of course where you produce more, take this example, travel to USA, Turkey or China, wherever you go, you'll notice your salary is about 0.2 gold pieces, maybe 0.15 or 0.12, depends on a location and how competitive the certain market is. Come to think of it, this is by the way an interesting advice for you getting enough foreign gold for your training.

Because of all that, and since I just founded a q5 weapon yesterday, I'm going to move it now. To a place with 60% bonus. A place with 100% was impossible to find, without messing up the military part of the industry, yeah, that's how below the ground our alliance is at the moment.

And that's your opportunity. You'll be making about 14 tanks with Jockson, half of which would be your share (half goes for raw material expenses), you'd practically be importing it to England, which is also what we want. You'd earn about 250 pounds a day after you sell them, that's best i can offer. So, if you're interested, take a job while we are still on the map, and hurry up before my citizenship gets polished.

You'll find the offer here at 0.11 GBP

Any other questions, feel free to send mail