Jhorlin, Your Incumbent UKRP Candidate for the North East

Day 912, 12:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jhorlin

Jhorlin, your UKRP North East candidate for May 2010.

Who am I?

For those of you who don’t know who I am, I have been MP for the North East 3 times, and am currently an MP for the North East. I am a Major General in our fine national armed forces, in the SAS. I am a proud supporter of the United Kingdom Reform Party, of which I am now the Vice Party President.

Aside from the party politics and my role in military Command, I am also jamesw's Minister for Rations, in the new popular scheme.

I have also been involved locally in forming the North East Council, and remain the Chairman. Before the invasion, the council was pivotal in instrumenting change in the region, and I hope that it once again will be. Other than that, I’m IRC active, and forum active, and accordingly am easily approachable. Please, visit my Wiki page or PM me to find out more.

I'm the 5th most underrated eUKer (link), and
I'm also the 16th most loved eUKer (link).

National Representation

As a forum active, I’m able to participate in every vote, both in-game and on the forums. What this means, is that you know your representation is not wasted. With V2 on the way, this activity is vital amongst Congress, and accordingly, an active MP benefits the nation.

As well as my V2 planning experience with the military, I also support the UKRP manifesto, which includes detailed plans for the country. Some of these can be seen by our current GLaDOS leadership, which has to date been relatively successful.

Local Difference

As far as what I’ve been able to do for the North East so far, my major successes have been in the North East Council. The council will play a major role in V2 when that is finally released, but until then I shalln’t be promising hospitals or anything of that nature. The different role in V2, and the availability of facilities in London makes such promises empty and redundant.

The role I do see the local government at this point in time is in a tutorial capacity, helping new players. I shall do this by a PM campaign of new players in our region, and encouraging players to join the military, and the forums.

Vote Jhorlin

Jhorlin, 20th May 2010