JDS - Jan 2013 End of term report

Day 2,265, 03:08 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

G'day eAussies.

Well this is the last J.D.S article before the Country President elections on the 5th of February, so please make sure you log in to vote on that day. Activity and awareness are the best prevention against this hostile PTO.

Below we include the details of the monthly in-goings and out-goings, current balance and other such figures. Donations wise the J.D.S is sitting pretty again for next month but if you do wish to donate then please hold onto your purse strings until the next Government term begins in a few days time.

We are also proud to say that our allies in the eUK have asked us if they can reproduce our JDS system and adapt it to help young players in their eCountry, we thank them for asking, this is something we actually took great pride in when we were asked, and we hope their system is as beneficial to young players as our is.

On a personal note i wish to thank the huge amount of work and time put in by my fellow Director Claire Louise. She is the one who keeps all the records for JDS up to date and has the hassle of transferring donations straight away to the JDS account, and without her I am not ashamed to say I wouldn't be able to keep this Department running. While I regularly check for new players to stalk with PM's for the scheme and write the articles, she is the brains and heartbeat of this young player scheme. Thank you Claire.

Well again we have had another month without Government funding and we offer a huge Thank you to those that have made this possible. At the start of the month the J.D.S was sitting on a pretty 49,925.28 AUD so with that in mind we decided to swap food and weapons as rewards for Gold. The aim was to help young and new Aussies build up their training grounds which we can all agree is the best thing for them, and Australia in the long run.

This month we have received 82.72 Gold in donations, it is your acts of unselfishness that will help create the tanks of tomorrow and we want to again thank the following donators -
Claire Louise - 10 Gold
Roboz - 20 Gold
Dr Hugh Jardon - 10 Gold
OzAnarchist - 10 Gold
kerna96 - 0.52 Gold
Cyber.Casper - 12.2 Gold
BOUD1CCA - 10 Gold
Nicky6Fingers - 10 Gold

During the past month we have seen an Impressive 11 people apply to the JDS and one person actually went on to complete all the tasks, Congratulations to Rhysx2 on that accomplishment. For such a small country we are very happy with this months number of applicants though obviously we would like to see more apply. All in all there were a total of 95 Gold sent out to our applicants with a huge 90 tasks being completed. Dates of how much gold was sent out and to whom can be accessed HERE.

As it stands we now are sitting on a balance of 47,470 AUD in cash and 0.44 in Gold, which means we saw a deficit terms of out-goings to in-comings of 2.365,78 AUD this month. Obviously with such a huge amount still in reserve then there is no cause for alarm, and also it must be noted that the price of the previous rewards ( 200 Q4 food and 5 Q7 Tanks) for completed tasks was of course cheaper than a 1 Gold reward, however as the change in policy is designed to help Australia in the long term then it was to be expected.

We at the JDS also ran a couple of lottery draws which rounded up sent out 20 gold in prizes, this was all separately donated by myself - Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire Louise and had nothing to do with the JDS funds.

The J.D.S is run by your Government but with funds from donations by kind citizens, the aim is to help young players and players who are new to eRepublik and those players who are level 29 and under. Mainly those who entered the game and need that little helping hand. We are not politically biased and there are no hidden catches, you do not have to pay back the rewards or join any political parties. All you have to do is look at the tasks which you will find in a link below, they are very simple and designed to help you adapt into the game and the eAustralian community. Some of the tasks are as simple as reaching certain levels and even just signing up to the eAustralian forums...they are that simple and you get a gold reward for each one completed.

Each task completed will see you receive 1gold, the aim is that you will save it for Training Ground updates because in this game the key thing is strength, and you achieve this by training. The best advice we can offer is for you to save your gold until the admins release an offer on upgrading training grounds...then spend away and upgrade. The higher your strength the more damage you do which is beneficial to yourself and your country and will see you earn more gold as well.

We strongly urge you to take the game and tasks slowly and avoid heavy fighting until you have a respectable strength.

Once you have completed one of the tasks then contact your JDS Directors who are either myself - Dr Hugh Jardon or Claire Louise to receive your free gold.

If you are a new player and definitely leaving and not returning to the game then why not sell your companies and donate the proceeds to helping young players in the same position as yourself? All monies donated are used 100% on young and new players only. Leave a legacy and help a fellow Aussie

The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old, so please feel free to use them as they are there to help you.

Please subscribe to the Government Department Newspapers, Join the eAustralian Forums, and take a look at our National Library run by the Department of Human Services to aid our New Players.