James Eggleston for West Virginia!

Day 577, 11:40 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

Greetings, citizens of the United States and the great state of West Virginia.

My name is James Eggleston, and I am proud to announce that I am running as West Virginia's next congressman with the support of the America's Advancement and Democratic Parties, to whom I would like to express my deep appreciation for their support. Though relatively new to the game - I was born on Day 537 of the New World - in that time I have managed to become an active member of the Democratic Party, spearheading their recruiting, and have proudly served our country as a member of the Mobile Infantry, having recently been deployed both to Turkey and Ireland. I've also come to daily report on the politics of the world and our nation in my paper, the Pantopian Enquirer, currently ranked the 66th most-read paper in our nation.

If elected, I promise to do all that I can to make America the international economic leader it can be. We have spent great amounts of money abroad, and for great purposes - I applaud our government's decision to liberate Greece and Israel, and I was proud to serve in their wars of liberation. However, it is my belief that a time has come to focus on the well-being of our citizens here in the United States. In a nation of almost 16,000, more than two-thirds of our citizens live without adequate health care. I don't propose to build Q5 hospitals in all 50 states, but I would like to see a government initiative to subsidize travel to New Jersey and Florida, so that more citizens can be served by their top-quality hospitals. I want to see all states bordering our enemies with Q5 hospitals and defense systems, and well-trained soldiers and National Guardsmen watching the border, ready to defend their country.

As I said, I want the United States to focus on growing its business and infrastructure, and to do so, I believe taxes must be remain low to encourage American entrepreneurship. I would like to see income taxes - particularly in manufactured goods - be reduced to 10%, as I realize that the government's programs must be funded through these same taxes. I am dedicated to the principles of free trade, and hope to find a way to broker trade agreements with our allies to bring profits and prosperity to all our citizens and companies alike.

However, I pledge, if elected, not to be driven solely by my own ambitions or political philosophy. I remain first and foremost a populist, and believe that the people have a right to make their voice heard in Washington. Therefore, I pledge to hold an open vote to my constituents on any bill affecting our foreign policy - war, peace, and alliance proposals - and will maintain an open-door policy, holding a vote on any bill if a constituent asks me to do so. I will remain faithful to the will of those who have entrusted me to represent them, and will vote as they direct in these cases. I promise also to keep the citizens of West Virginia informed with a voting record published every 5th day, so that you'll know exactly where I stand on the issues.

West Virginia, if you do me the honor of electing me your representative this election day, I will stand by your interests, and work to make this state and this nation one of the most prosperous in the New World! God bless the people of West Virginia, and God bless the eUSA!