J.Moore-Voting Record Post

Day 587, 16:31 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

Continuing with a transperncy promise that I indicated during the election. Here is my most recent Voting Record

Diamonds Tax Change- YES

House Tax Change- No- The reason I voted no on this proposal is due to the fact that I think there is a big oppurutunity to make houses and sell the abroad here in Israel, creating many Jobs. Lowering the Import Tax creates a better enviroment for Foreign sales competition when our Housing Market Domesticly is not sound as it is. Yes we need more houses on the market, but Maybe as a government we should encourage someone to start a housing company and help them informationally and with advertising in order to assist in building their company. This would not be governements direct intervention, it would be an economical booster that would be cheaper as we would earn from domestic tax from this industry, and from any company trying to Import. There are many takes on this issue, but this was my stance.

We have had two voting sessions on Housing Tax during the last two days, and unfortunatly neither one of them hit the hot spot with me as a congressman. It appears the most recent will pass allowing more Imports as a likely scenario.