Ivan For Prague

Day 181, 19:18 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Ivan Hat

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen of the Czech Republic, it is your loyal servant Ivan Hat with my son and partner H.W. Hat.

I just wanted to remind everyone that the elections ARE tomorrow and that we need everyone to participate in order to advance our nation. I'm not just asking the citizens of Prague to vote, if they wish to vote for me all the better, I'm asking the entire nation to vote. From what I can tell a stunning "5" people voted in the last election period, over 2(!!!) parties. We have exactly 100 people in this nation and only 5 people voted? That makes the percentages fairly easy to decipher, 5% voted. This is a sad sight to see from a nation with such potential. My Social Democratic Brothers, My Nordreich Czechia, Slovakian Gold and Glorious brothers! We MUST vote in this next election. We must prove to the rest of Europe that we are a capable government that is worthy of being its own entity.

We are surrounded by several territorially hungry countries, if we can't stand on our own it's a matter of time until we are consumed by one of them. It's not a matter of if at this point, its a matter of when. So my brothers are we just going to sit back and NOT vote this month, or are we going to take a stand and vote for our parties' candidates? Vote for who YOU think deserves office, vote for who YOU want to be in office, vote for who YOU think is capable of making our country great!