Its time too choose Ireland...

Day 710, 12:22 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

About Brolliance

The term Brolliance refers to the close relationship between Canada and the United States, especially during World War III. The word "Brolliance" is a combination of both the words brother and alliance. Since then, it has been used many times and was solidified as an actual alliance by the contract below.

I doubt we can join this alliance but i thought i'd include it just so it can be put into context.

About Eden

The Erepublik Defense & Economy Network (EDEN) is a military Alliance in eRepublik, formed mainly out of former ATLANTIS members. It was, under the name European Defense & Economy Network, one of two proposed post-ATLANTIS alliances, the other being Fortis. However, the outbreak of World War III, specifically the PEACE invasion of North America, lead to the collapse of Fortis and the creation of EDEN as the one major anti-PEACE alliance. It was originally said to be a "brotherhood of nations"[1] and not a real military alliance, however the alliance was formally established in late September 2009 by the signing of the Treaty of EDEN[2]. The nation is still officially known under the short name the Brotherhood of EDEN or just the Brotherhood.

Relations with other Alliances

Eden is currently at war with PEACE and has helped liberate colonies of PEACE. It currently is allied with Brolliance and has just pushed PEACE out of north america. It has members in Sol who are observers.

- Part of a big alliance
- Same alliance as our friends in Canada and the USA
- Better international relations
- More wars

- Potential war between UK and Ireland because of being in opposing alliances. (The raelaigh treaty protects this unless we pay a fee for breaking it)

About neutrality

Neutrality has been something us Irish have been since the breakdown of ATLANTIS (the predecesor allaince to EDEN and Brolliance) it has been part of the makeup of Ireland for a long time now. Neutrality does little for the economy or relations but give us control. Control is a major factor of neutrality as you control what you want your country to be. Although this can make you a target, though Ireland has created treatys to protect ourselves.

- No threat of invasion
- We call our own shots, were not being bossed around by the big countries.

- Relations with other nations and allainces take alot of effort and work by the MOFA and there is only a limit to what can be achieved.
- We won't have a wartime economy so our businesses won't be successful

About the Neutral Nations Federation

The proposal of a neutral nations federations is for 8 or so nations to create a Defensive Federation that would not take sides of other Alliances. It would defend the nations in the federation and safeguard to self determination of other neutral countries. The aim of the federation is not to be influenced by the major alliances and safeguard and stimulate the countries and economies in the Federation. It also aims to build up international relations between the different nations in the Federation.

- It would be on our terms
- We wouldn't compromise our relationships with the UK and USA and Canada

- Hasn't been officially finished yet
- It could be dangerous and create a war as some of the nations are between PEACE and EDEN.

About Peace

"The PEACE Global Community is a worldwide military alliance consisting of all former FIST member nations as well as many former Mediterranean Alliance and PANAM members. Since its foundation, it has been the largestalliance in eRepublik History, ranging from a lower bound of fifteen members and its peak and current member count of twenty-five.
In keeping with its name, the PEACE Global Community is charged with establishing peace worldwide. Its mission is written into the Charter.
"The PEACE Global Community shall be established as a defensive alliance that will pursue peace in good faith." - Quote eRepublik wiki

Relations with other Alliances

At war with Eden/Bro after nearly the whole of america was taken over in ww3. They have just been kicked out of North America and are slowly losing colonies abroad. It has memebers in Sol who are observers.

- Part of a huge alliance
- Same allaince as our friends the UK
- Better international relations

- Being a small country we might get less of a say in what PEACE does.
- Potential start of a war between Ireland and the USA/Canada because of our borders crossing and being part of opposing alliances

About Sol

"Sol is a regional alliance for the Asia-Pacific region. It is currently composed of seven official members. Sol's objective is to integrate the Asia-Pacific countries to bring peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and ensuring the security of member nations by forging a closer relations between the governments and the populations of the each member nations.

Sol is based on the real life United Nations; it is based in the Asia-Pacific region, but the inclusion of South Africa into the alliance on 10 September 2009 indicates a willingness to take members from other continents" - Quote eRepublik Wiki

Relations with other Alliances

Sol takes neutral position with other alliances, and does not limit its member nations from being involved in other alliances, as long as it does not interfere with the security and stability of Asia-Pacific region. As result some member nations of Sol are also members of other alliances.

- A defensive alliance
- Wouldn't comprimise our situation being in between Uk which is PEACE and Canada and USA which is Brolliance

- Most of the members are far way us in Asia
- Members of Peace and Eden/Broll are observers and could slow down how effective the alliance is.

In conclusion

To decide whether on which alliance we should join, we need to look at geography.

If you look at the current world situation you can see that in Europe there is a concentration of PEACE countries, Northern Europe EDEN, Asia Sol and North America Brolliance. We have to take in account the position of potential friendly and aggresive countries in the World by looking at the map. Now to look at Irelands situation...

As you can see, Ireland is covered on both sides by the opposing alliances, EDEN and PEACE. I feel that strikes those too alliances off the list in which we could join as that would mean we have more of a chance of losing our territories. In my opinion this only leaves Sol, the Neutral Nations Federation and Neutrality itself.

Leave comments below with your ideas, decisions

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
EX-Congressman of Saoise
Teacher for the MOE
Recruiter for eIreland
IDF Chief of Guard
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico