Its that time of year again..

Day 574, 06:06 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier
Time for Congress elections

The time has flew by since the last congress elections, this time it was a quiet one

For those who dont really care about politics can sign up for the military or create a company
but matter what your VOTE is Important

Will the new congress be as good as this months?

All i can say is prepare for the "Min wage change" proposal again lol

If you want to have a go at being elected for congress.

1) Join a party

3.) To gain peoples attention of why you are better than other congress (dont lie because it makes it worse on yourself) create a newspaper and create an article, if u dont have the money...ask Ariel im sure he will b more than happy to help you =-p

Good luck to everyone =-p

VOTE+Comment! =-p