Its Over...

Day 650, 14:30 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

The battle for California has ended. Unfortunately, we were not able to take back what is our from the evil PEACE imperialists. Many of the allied tanks did not perform as hoped. In the final hour of combat, there were almost no fighters on our side that did over 300 damage a pop. Simply put, we did not throw everything we had at them right when we should have. I do not know if we simply ran out of money to fund tanks, or if our heavy-hitters were simply not effective against the number of fights on our enemy's side. Maybe we were not properly coordinated, or maybe we simply did not have the necessary firepower. Either way, what's done, is done. No use lamenting over spilled milk.

This battle, if we did win, certainly would have ensured victory for our side. But just because we lost, does not mean that there is no hope. We can, and will, fight on. The Indonesians will most likely start an attack against Nevada or Arizona within an hour or two, and once again we will be on the defensive. This will continue until we either stop the Indonesians in their tracks on a lucky defensive battle, or until the war continues all the way back to Florida.

Until we make it back to another assault on California, this world war will never end. It will continue perpetually back and forth between US and Indonesian offenses. Indonesia alone cannot take down Florida, even if they put up twice the damage they did in this battle, it would still not be even close to enough to take us out of Florida. So we would go on the offensive again, until we came right back to where we stand today, waiting to take California.

Our allies in Spain and Canada will slowly regain their territories, Greece will hold of the Turks, Croatia will keep themselves in tack. But the crux of this war is California. So prepare Americans, this war will last at least another few weeks. Unless of course Indonesia does not attack us in the next 24 hours(which I highly doubt), in which case, get ready for round 2 in California 🙂

Never surrender America, keep up the good fight! The war is not over until the fat lady sings, and I have her tied up in my basement with duct-tape over her mouth!

Go USA!!!
Death to PEACE!!!