It's Time

Day 1,061, 17:36 Published in New Zealand USA by Fionia

Time for my long (but never boring) career in the eUS to end. You might have noticed the avatar change, or the new location of this newspaper, but if not, take a look now. I've left the eUS and gone to the land of the kiwis, sheep, and hobbits, New Zealand.

I could go into some long, rambling, stream-of-consciousness musing on what I've done here and why I'm leaving, but the tl;dr version is that I'm leaving because the eUS has burnt me out. I've dealt with a lot of s*** in the eUS (admittedly, some of it was deserved), but there was always some reason for me to stay. Some of those reasons were the jobs that I had, because I felt some responsibility to finish them. However, one reason was just that there were no other appealing countries to me. It was stick around in the eUS or quit.

New Zealand is like a breath of fresh air (yay clichés) to me. Recently, even the jobs that I've had and the incredible love for and investment I've made in the USWP haven't been enough to make up for other B.S. eNZ is a new opportunity, pure and simple. Its newness makes it exciting, and (dare I say it) is actually making this game fun for me again.

What I did in the eUS

4-time Senator from New York
USWP Legal Director
NAU Director
Deputy Speaker of the House
USWP PAC (Political Action Committee) Director
Senator from New Hampshire
Speaker of the House
One of the founders of the APF
Election Director of the APF
Senator from Florida
USWP Communications Director
USWP Chief of Staff
Vice President of the US
POTUS candidate
USWP President

To all my friends in the eUS, thanks for supporting me.
To the USWP, stay strong and keep on being the #1 party (or there will be hell 😉).
To the SEALs, thanks for letting me stay with you guys, since you're the only military group I've felt a part of.
To the people who pissed me off time and time again, at least you always kept things interesting.
To the people I pissed off, oh well. I leave with no regrets.

Signing off,

Once the zombie queen, now the kiwi kween.