It's never too late to surrender, SAPIN !

Day 792, 11:55 Published in Spain France by Potier

Fear, sapin... BATMAN IS COMING

Sapins, you took Franche Comté but we have yet to use our ultimate weapon...


We don't need PHOENIX, here come's Batman. Hidden in his bat-cave since the beginning of the war, in Corsica, he woke up to kick your ass, sapins.

We will make a huge babyboom to kick you from eFrance

Our tanks are HERE, now !

Don't cry, sapin. It's the life. It's never too late to surrender. Spain have golds and fanatics morons. Keep the morons, give us the gold and our regions. It's a correct deal, isn't it? . You can ask us mercy, we are generous and we are love.

We will let you go home without invade you again.If you accept to surrender before our mighty Tank, you just have to send 16k golds (again, yes) here and Batman will let you in peace.

With love, or not

Forgive my english errors, it's not my native langage.

Bravo Mooshen pour cette oeuvre d'art !