It's been a long time coming....

Day 1,118, 10:56 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

I hope you will all read this. I just want to say it has been a pleasure working here in eSouth Africa. I have made many friends that I wish I could maintain links with. I remember my first time here and I never thought I would be here so long! I will not lie by saying I won’t miss being part of this troubled country. It will be a shock to the system to not just turn on my laptop and log on our forum or open up our IRC channel since I am now band.

It was sad removing some of our history, but many of you called for this and so I wanted to make sure you knew what you wanted. I want the best for this country, and it seems that what I was brought up fighting in the eLife for, Democracy, Unity, Fairness, is not what is wanted currently. There are players wanting a different methodology. I wish them well as I hope they succeed and make this country a power house. The reality however is it won’t. This country has had too many fights. Too many conflicting interests.

I have sat in nearly every seat of Government, there is little I have not done. Yet people seem to think I am biased towards one thing or another. Have you not learnt anything about me? It seems not. I am sad about this. I really am not a traitor. I am true to my word. I keep my promise.

I don’t think there is anything I can do here anymore. My time has come to depart these shores. I will leave soon. It is clear to me that I am not wanted here for some reason I don’t understand. These past through days I seem always on the end of the knife no matter how much I run from it.

I came here to play a game I loved an enjoyed in a country where people were happy together. There was a great laugh, a hive of activity, a strong sense of pride in what we are achieving. I don’t see this anymore. I don’t know who support me and who does not, and as the saying goes, “When you don’t know your friends from your enemies, it is time to leave”. This country is not what it used to be.

I don’t want to leave here a “traitor” and so I will try heal some deep wounds.

God Bless eSouth Africa and all those that call her home. I will miss you all and her greatly. The place that has been part of my life for a year. The place I could escape from the troubles or real life. Where I could be me.

Good Bye eSouth Africa. Good Bye all those within.