It's about the Economy Stupid.

Day 774, 02:37 Published in Japan Japan by no1kevlin
The eJapanese economy under Dokomo.

Many citizens of eJapan are naturally unhappy at the retreat of Kyushu and the turning on friends of old. Much evidence, opinion and debate has been presented on how Dokomo and Godzilla have been complicit in these incidents and how they favor eAmerica over the well-being of eJapan.

One of the many counter-thrusts offered in distraction of these arguments is the declaration and acknowledgment that the economy has shown a marked improvement since the election of Dokomo.

But, is this true?

On assuming the presidency the much needed step of printing JPY was taken. This allowed a replenishment of JPY lost by inactive/dead players, capped of of the value of JPY at 0.034, allowed incoming company owners to turn their gold into wages and for the various refugee groups to turn their old currency into JPY at a better rate. It also surved the purpose of replenishing the funds of the National Bank of Japan after the funds had been taken.

Unfortunately and despite getting the funds in the National Bank returned - The administration kept printing money as they wished to drive the price of Yen even lower. The destruction of this national balance has allowed an amazing short-term bonus of gold to be returned to the state. Godzilla has thus been able to receive plaudits for this distribution of revenues without many realizing that the continuation of such largesse is not sustainable.

Whilst in the company sector the companies were finding that the devaluation of their eJapanese sales was impinging on their ability to import raw materials into resource poor eJapan. The companies were able to receive temporary alleviation by the influx of new workers into eJapan which, whilst causing a short-term and minor loss in productivity enabled them to cut wages and offer small reductions in sale prices.

This situation coupled with a surprising lack of intervention to foreign penetration of markets continued till the signal point of the Dokomo administration - The Kyushu retreat!

This incident was to plunge the economy into chaos. The initial (and not so temporary) loss of the companies in Kyushu caused an obvious contraction and small price increase on the goods market, A tiny lift in the pitiful wages on offer as companied competed to attract the higher skilled workers from Kyushu and a small boost in moving ticket sales as we repatriated our lost friends.

Another outcome of this decision was the impact felt across the region as Eden and Phoenix went to war. Gun prices started to rise with the increased demand, eJapan lost the ability to import Iron onto its own markets, The JIN was sent to America with minimal losses in producitivity and minimal increase in ticket and weapon sales.

The retreat also triggered the RW's on the Korean peninsula which resulted in the loss of some high quality companies and their goods to eJapan, the displacment of some workers and furthur losses to the treasury.

And so we arrived at a low point!

# The highest wages on the market were skill 7 manufacturing at 18JPY.
# We had no Q5 Food or Weapons and were being charged nearly 200% and 100% over world market price if we wanted them.
# After paying more from our reduced wages for essentials we were to find the value of our savings furthur reduced by the goverment taking the value of yen needed to purchase one gold from 30.35JPY to 33.5JPY!
# So, less chance of owning a company or even a house.
# Not to mention that the option of us doing anything other then basic training was now highly comprimised. We could of course turn to the goverment to help fund us in this regard - They however have thrown away or ability to raise funding through JPY sales by mass printing runs to the extent that 15,000JPY are sitting, moribund on the market.

The goverment plan to deal with this? - Deny it! its not happening! Godzilla is good for the economy! (tl:dr No plan!)