It's a new dawn for the TUP

Day 482, 04:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
Thank you all for voting for me

Dear Friends,

this morning, when I woke up, I felt proud to be a member of the Unity Party. Nearly eighty percent of you chose to put your trust in me, and for that I thank you. This party is a party of great talents. Ares and Eadie were both terrific candidates, and the fact that you chose me is a great honour.

But where do we go from here? Sitting in our private forums is our party manifesto, which will be released next Sunday, just before our congress elections. We won't just be standing based on our values, we will be standing on solid policies. Each policy the seed of a new law. Each new law the basis of a strong, fair Britain.

Talking of congress elections, it's time to decide whether you want to be a candidate. I can say now that if you're not cleared by us then you won't be standing. Even if I have to move to people into the region to stand against you I will not have any inactive congressmen flying under our banner. However, that is not to say that you can't stand. All you have to do is get yourself on the forums, post a message in the party section asking for TUP private forum access and then PM me. We are always looking for new and ambitious party members, but to operate as a TUP congressman you need to be active on the forums.

So first is first. Existing congressmen, sign in on our thread as soon as possible. You have until next Saturday to do that. Don't worry, I'll send you a couple reminders if it looks like you've forgotten. Then we need to start introducing our junior congressional candidates into our programme. Every new congress candidate will be paired with an existing one, to make sure that they all know simple things like law proposal rules, House of Commons rules and so on. That way we have a congressional party we can be proud of.

Finally, I have spoken to the new President of the British Advancement Party, which is a left-wing party formerly known as Scottish Labour. The party has very similar ideals to us, and will be supporting our candidates in a true show of Unity. Some AP members may also ask to stand under our banners, and on our manifesto. I accept dual membership of the TUP and BAP. We are open to such deals so long as members agree to follow our manifesto and agree to our party structures when in parliament.

So thank you for voting for me, and see you all in the forums,

Iain Keers
Proud leader of The Unity Party