It came sooner than expected

Day 154, 02:52 Published in Japan Japan by Swift Lee

Japanese people are about to declare war with us. This was definitely expected and predicted but I doubt we ever speculated that it would be our formal ally declaring war on us. Making full use of our political unstableness and inactivity among our few important personals, they are coming to stomp us and conquer us without much effort.

We south koreans most probably have half of the population inactive and the other half being from another country trying to take over us. Our food shortage is eminent and our president and current government being sleeping is known to the world. The Japanese coming over promising that they would not do much to us and the war was to actually understand more about the system here in erepublik seems so true, but to me they were just lies covering the dagger behind them.

What can I say? South Koreans or perhaps Swedish people or even citizens of Iran, prepare yourselves as we are about to face a war that only a miracle would bring us victory. For me, I'll fight of course, but once my own homeland Singapore appears after the game is updated, I'll be gone.

Good Luck.