It's Party Time

Day 1,068, 16:11 Published in USA USA by logan Dunleavy
Hello Amurika, before you read would you like a campaign ad?

Hello Amurika, I am logan Dunleavy. You might know me from such films as How I didn't meet your mother or American Cake but today I come to you with different news. I am writing this article to announce that I am running for Congress, once again! I would like to represent the overseas territory of Tamil Nadu.


Now, if you're saying to yourself, 'but logan, you can't possibly be qualified to be an eUS Congressman' well to that my response would be go jump in a lake and don't question me. But if you insist on seeing my qualifications I shall list them for you, my loves.

I have already served 3 terms in the eUS Congress in the past, representing the state of North Dakota.

I have served as a 5 time Party President here in the eUS of several small parties.

I have was a member of SEAL Team 6 for some time.

I served 3 terms in the Congress of Singapore.

I served as Minister of Defense of Singapore for one term.

I served as ambassador to the eUS from eSingapore for several months.

I served as commander of the eSingapore Armed forces.

I made a serious run for president of eSingapore

I was a top 5 party president in eSingapore.

-Keep it warm for me Amurika