Issue 24

Day 601, 21:58 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

The main battle in the New World tonight is in Nova Scotia. France is joined by a long list of allies in their attack upon this region, and will be an early indicator of just how hard the upcoming fights will be. While the wall has been broken down, the total is slowly beginning to creep back up as several nations give their militaries the official go-ahead to fight in this battle.

Ukraine has attacked Southern Basarabia in an attempt to divert damage from the battle in Nova Scotia and other battles which will ensue in North America. The tactic seems to be working, unfortunately - perhaps if militaries concentrated on foreign wars, most of the fighting in such diversions could be handled by two-clickers.

However, in a parallel move, Scotland has been targeted by a resistance movement. This also seems to have diverted a great deal of damage from Nova Scotia, though it has little hope of succeeding.

The UK's North East is under attack by Hungary today. This does not seem to have been in the original plan for the Hungary-UK wars, and it also offers no strategic advantage to Hungary if conquered - the North West would provide a route to Wales, which borders several US territories. Perhaps the British proponents of the Hungarian deal will begin to realize that they've bitten off more than they can chew.

Hungary has ending its war with Italy and is renewing its alliance with Brazil while Romania is renewing its alliance with Spain.

Russia will soon be signing an alliance with Lithuania.

The Greeks will soon be coming to Canada's aid, once their alliance is concluded.

The Chilean-Argentinian war games have come to a close, as Chile's markets were being affected by the great number of embargoes they were facing. Portugal, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Japan, Slovenia, The Netherlands, Venezuela, and Mexico are all offering Chile peace.

Estonia will likely impeach their president, Thucar for inactivity and failure to organize a government.

Ukraine will be placing a Q5 hospital in the border region of Podolia.

Columbia has recently been accepted into PEACE and will soon be getting a Q5 hospital in the capital region of Cundiboyacense.

Latvia, another new PEACE nation, is proposing to end the war with Finland.

Serbia is placing a privately-funded Q3 Hospital in Belgrade, part of a plan to increase health care throughout that nation.

Sweden and North Korea will likely soon be allies, though the Thais are considering ceasing trade with North Korea because of douchebaggery.

Switzerland seems to be moving more into the international community with an alliance with Sweden.

The US has shored up its alliances in the past few days, renewing with North Korea, Spain, Norway, Poland, and Sweden.

For those of you not in the military, check out this new eUSA Order Broadcast System which runs as a Greasemonkey script in Firefox.

Again, there would be more news coverage, but I couldn't resist reading the UK papers. At least there are some Brits with integrity, and that will be remembered.