Issue 22

Day 595, 13:00 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

A resistance war is being suppressed by Indonesian forces in Guangxi, China today, while Hungary is currently battling a rebellion in Burgenland. Otherwise, the world's battlefields are quiet today.

Hungary has been reforming its alliance network over the past few days, forming alliances with Portugal, Latvia, Germany, and soon, Russia. Serbia is expected to follow shortly.

In just a few hours, Poland will be signing an alliance with Finland, which follows on the renewal of their MPP with Spain.

India seems to have found a new ally in Sweden, indicating its neutral stance may be slipping somewhat - their alliance with Indonesia has been allowed to lapse. The US's alliance expires tomorrow, though the arrangement will hopefully be renewed.

Romania is likely to ally itself with Israel tomorrow, quite possibly unanimously.

While Russia was largely in favor of renewing their alliance with Indonesia two days ago, it seems the nation is somewhat more divided on the matter of Hungary.

Austria and the UK allied two days ago due to new war games coming in the UK.

Indonesia is considering a new defense system for Kalimantan, which borders Malaysia and the Philippines.

Malaysia and Singapore are considering an alliance, though voting is deadlocked at this early stage in Singapore. Singapore attempted to impeach its new president, ExoM7, yesterday but the move failed by a 2-vote margin.

Slovakia also failed to impeach their president yesterday, though by a much wider margin.

Two days ago, Canada upgraded its defenses in the Northwest Territories to Q5. The territory has no foreign border, even with Alaska, so this move seems a bit ill-considered.

The Germans have increased the fortifications around Brandenburg to Q4.

Lithuania will likely offer China peace tomorrow, ending the war that was begun when China aided Latvia during the Finnish invasion.

Child of Decadence has published this handy list of links, in case you didn't see that when originally published. It includes links to all the best eRep tool sites, which can be especially useful.

As we pass a month since the liberation of Israel and the majority of Greece, America is working to renew its alliances with these nations.

ProggyPop has presented the case for Fortis to the American people. Hopefully all questions aside from whether or not the alliance will succeed are answered there.

Democrats, the man of the hour is our old friend and dear leader Jamarcus, who has announced his return to the US and the party's leadership. This is a great boon to our party, and I am confident we will rise to new heights under his guidance. So again, I encourage everyone to get active, get on the forums, get recruiting, and let's rebuild this party like I know we can!

Finally, I would like to announce that the Enquirer is looking for staff writers - if you want to stay up on the world's political goings-on and write for one of the most-subscribed papers in America, please message the editor and let him know of your interest.