Issue 19

Day 588, 22:15 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

Croatia has been coming under heavy fire the past few days - Hungary is attacking West Serbia, which will likely fall. Earlier today Hungary managed to acquire Vojvodina from its Serbian ally. Hungary's attacks follow only three days after the conclusion of a peace agreement initiated by President Shaok of Hungary. The tide has begun to turn against Croatia today, losing East Serbia to its home country earlier and now coming under attack in Raska. For all those interested in defending Croatia - find a job at one of these companies, they will pay you in gold to keep money out of the hands of the Hungarian congress.

Ukraine seems to have wanted a training war and has attacked Romania in Northern Basarabia, which is also the site of Romania's internal training war.

Germany is fighting against resistance forces in Syddanmark, and has been shifting its borders to accommodate its Hungarian allies and defenders.

Indonesia will be renewing alliances with Ukraine, Portugal, and Serbia later today, with France expected to follow shortly.

Hungary is considering an alliance with Ukraine, will be ending its war with Serbia that was needed for the transfer of Vojvodina.

Turkey has a massive new tax package going through their congress today, as Canada did yesterday.

France will soon upgrade the defenses in to Q3.

While Norway voted to end their war with Russia, the Duma is not so sure - likely a frightening prospect on the heels of the Russian baby boom. However, if voting continues as it has, they will likely have Romania ready to defend them if attacked.

Lithuania will offer the UK peace sometime tomorrow.

In case you found the game somewhat confusing, take heart! The game finds itself confused too.

Today's announcement of EDEN - the European Defence & Economy Network - seems to be a promising partnership in international relations.

China and the US have formed an important alliance, making Indonesia's control of nearly all Asia and Australia a sight that the New World is increasingly unlikely to see again.

In a perhaps-overdue move, the 19th US Congress will likely end all trading with Hungary later today.

Emerick has officially announced his candidacy for President, and has this paper's endorsement in his run. It seems likely that he will also gain the Democratic Party's nomination as well.

In case you've not seen it yet, I would direct your attention to the latest Department of Education article on defense and construction spending.

Yesterday's resistance war in the Chinese province of Guangxi has failed. Iran bought a Q2 defense system for Heilongjiang after a narrow victory. The war between Spain and Portugal has ended, and Brazil and Ukraine are allies.