Issue 18

Day 586, 18:25 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

I apologize for my long absence from the Enquirer - I was hiking the Appalachian Trail this week. Or, wait, no, I needed to get away from the kids and do some writing. Or maybe I was in Argentina. On to the news!

Hungary and the Czech Republic are newly allied, as are Hungary and the Netherlands. Hungary has also made peace with Croatia.

Portugal and Spain plan to bury the hatchet, though Portugal has been gathering allies in Serbia and Hungary.

Serbia has been seeking allies in Austria and Hungary in the past few days.

Croatia will likely not buy a Q1 defense system for Lika and Gorski Kotar.

Germany's Saarland will soon be getting a new Q5 hospital.

Voting will soon close on Spain's alliance with Canada, which will follow on the heels of their alliance with Greece.

Canada recently upgraded Alberta with a Q5 defense system and recently allied with Malaysia and Spain.

As usual, there have been several unsuccessful attempts to unseat nations' presidents in the past few days - in North Korea, Germany, Greece, France, and Venezuela.

sebahmah graces us once more with this article on the problem of overproduction in the New World.

Euphonix is the first tank to exceed 500,000 damage and has summarily been stripped of rank. Whoops.

An article has recently appeared in the Polish press asking us to consider war without MPPs - since nations would fight one another one-on-one, war would be more common, because battles wouldn't be a waste of money if the target was protected by 10 MPPs. The proposal is worth considering, but this paper doesn't see it happening anytime soon.

Croatians have taken to economic warfare to make their new government feel unwelcome. This will be an interesting month to watch Croatia, who may well be developing an effective strategy to weather a PTO.

In South America, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, and possibly Peru seem to have been PTO'ed this election cycle.

As many of you know, Harrison Richardson of the USWP and Ajay Bruno of the Conservatives met for a debate yesterday on irc. These are the two main contenders for POTUS, and I invite everyone to check out the debate and decide for yourselves over the next week.

Now that congressional results are in, we can see that the USWP is now the majority party in the US congress.

To counter the PEACE propaganda posted some days ago, this article has been released, thanking the US for their participation in defending Croatia.