Issue 17

Day 582, 17:14 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

Hungary has returned Saxony to Germany and is now attacking Slavonia in Croatia. Croatia's 10 allies seem to holding the line ably, however.

Another resistance war has seized the Netherlands, this time in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Indonesia is now returning Chongqing, but seems dedicated to keeping Kerala.

Romania will soon construct a new Q5 hospital in Maramures.

Brazil and Russia will likely become allies in the next day, as will Canada and Norway and Croatia and Spain.

Croatia's congress voted to declare war upon Serbia in a close vote. Expect a report tomorrow or whenever battle is joined.

France's president MoritanIsBanned currently faces impeachment.

France seems likely to reject Canada's offer of peace.

The US will be renewing its alliance with Romania later today.

Tomorrow is election day - everyone get to the polls and be sure to vote! For our newer players, if you need a guide to the voting system, take a look at this article.

Serbia's president was impeached, leaving Lipec in control of that nation. Turkey secured Crete and the Netherlands secured Walloon Region.