Issue 15

Day 580, 18:27 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

Perhaps you don't believe, as this paper does, that the eUnited States should follow the real-life Monroe Doctrine. However, it is the view of this paper that if America stands for freedom anywhere in the New World, it must stand for freedom everywhere - particularly in its own backyard. That is why the troubling news of European involvement and takeover attempts in South America is unsettling - foreign powers are attempting to impose a false government for base, selfish purposes. A friend of this publication, Arjay Phoenician has written this article detailing the threats to his adopted nation of Bolivia. Something similar appears to be happening across the new nations, in Paraguay, Uruguay, and Peru. I urge my fellow countrymen to stand ready to defend South America this Thursday - keep these nations out of foreign hands, and let these young nations belong to their true citizens!

A border dispute seems to have broken out between Poland and Hungary in Saxony again. I urge Poland to reconsider this training war, and do as Romania does, fighting training wars only among your own people in staged resistance wars. Poland, you're only putting yourselves further behind Hungary's military every time you engage them in these fruitless wars.

Romania seems to be fighting a proxy war with Hungary as well today, with a battle for Northern Basarabia currently in progress.

Riding the wave of the Russian baby boom, Smirnoff of Russia has issued a strongly-worded call for the return of Russia's most resource-rich regions.

France appears to be continuing forward in returning more regions to German control, this time in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Argentina's president galle13 faces an unlikely-to-succeed attempt to remove him from power, as does jbmalin of Sweden. A similar bid in Iran against PreuX is more likely to pass, however. This article is a good summary of the past month's political happenings in Argentina, culminating in this impeachment, and an article by jbmalin explaining the situation in Sweden has also been released.

Indonesia's congress seems to be responding favorably to the calls for a Q5 hospital in Sumatra that came several days ago. They are also likely to end the war that began when Germany was allowing several PEACE nations through its territory to push back the invading forces.

There must be a sale on hospitals today, because Hungary will soon be installing one in Nordjylland - to secure the new border with Sweden - and Poland will also soon have a new hospital in Pomerania. Croatia missed the memo, and instead went for a Q3 Defense System for North Dalmatia.

PEACE propaganda and confusion tactics appears to have worked, as the battle for Vojvodina was lost.

The admins have recently unveiled the latest updates and improvements to the game.

The Enquirer would like to apologize for not giving Kyle Galli, former Democratic Party President, our endorsement in his race for Congressman of New Mexico sooner. His platform is available for your perusal here. Democrats, be sure to get out to vote on Thursday - Kyle Galli in New Mexico, James Eggleston in West Virginia - let's get some Democrats back in Congress! If anyone needs assistance in getting to the polls, you can contact this paper or either candidate directly for tickets.

Hungary successfully won in Vojvodina and Brazil and Bulgaria are now allies.