Issue 14

Day 579, 20:21 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

Across most of the world today, armies rested at their bases and legislatures were quiet. However, there are always a few exceptions. Hungary has attacked Croatia, apparently attempting to take control of the high-grain region of Vojvodina. With all the MPPs activated when they did so, it seems unlikely they will capture it

Romania currently faces a rebellion in Southern Basarabia, a training war in order to boost their military's strength, as explained here.

France is returning the regions of Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia to German rule.

France has recently been considering increasing many of its import taxes in an recently-proposed economic package.

Germany is looking to build a Q4 hospital in Brandenburg

Brazil and Bulgaria will likely soon become allies.

South Africa may be returning to the New World soon, in time for the congressional elections, in fact. There is a vote underway now to return two regions to South African control. Expect an update on this tomorrow.

Take a look at this article by mjdiv - he provides a simple rule of thumb for answering the question "what's my job worth?"

There seems to be an economic crisis in Indonesia. As the labor pool shrinks as the nation contracts, wages have been rising in increased competition to draw workers to companies. This has devastated many company's profit margin, and many are threatened with bankruptcy.

Joe DaSmoe has countered the PEACE-sponsored article of a similar title with his TRUE American Firepower - be sure to check it out and vote it up!