Issue 13

Day 578, 23:24 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

President Shaok of Hungary has announced a forthcoming economic restructuring and an end of major combat operations in Germany. This announcement comes on the heels of the recent approval of Hungary's alliance with Turkey, which recently passed the congresses of both nations.

Sweden is attempting to retake Nordjylland from Hungary. I'm still not sure why a nation would fight a training war that benefits their enemies more than it benefits their own citizens.

It would appear that France has begun to return North Rhine-Westphalia to Germany. Likewise, Indonesia is relinquishing control of Andhra Pradesh back to India.

The almighty and all-knowing admin has announced that advertisements will soon be introduced to the game.

Endy has recently posted some links to several handy Greasemonkey scripts, such as one to get rid of Plato (called Hemlock, of course) and links to donate to your organizations placed in the organization page.

Portugal is likely to ally with Italy later today.

The Polish region of Silesia will be the site of a new high-quality hospital, if voting continues as it has.

A report on Brazil's military readiness found them ranked 4th among PEACE nations in a study conducted during recent war games.

A Romanian project is currently underway to provide Q1 housing and food to new players. This program is worth looking into, and I would urge you to write Congress and urge them to consider something similar.

Congress's voting records for May 26-June 15th have been released to the general public, as has the congressional ledger, detailing the final count of all votes for this congressional session.

The alliance between the UK and Italy passed and Jeollanam-do remains securely in Japanese hands.