Issue 12

Day 577, 14:25 Published in USA USA by Pantops Incorporated

Poland continues seemingly tilting at windmills with another attack on Hungarian-occupied Germany today, this time in Saxony. Yesterday's attack on Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania failed, and this paper sees no reason why this battle should go much differently. Polish orders call this a training battle, but I don't follow the logic of fighting training battles that benefit your enemies more than they benefit your own country. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is now the site of a resistance war, perhaps concentrate Poland's fire on wherever Hungary decides to draw their border.

An unanticipated resistance war has broken out in Jeollanam-do, the southwestern-most province of Japanese-occupied South Korea. Several releases have hit the Japanese media condemning the uprising.

Italy is also considering an alliance proposed by President Kumnaa of the UK. The motivation behind this move is unclear, and arguments cannot be found in either nation's press.

Now that most of the anger has cooled down over yesterday's war drill in Ireland, level-headed arguments are beginning to emerge from the fury.

Romania and Moldavia's reunification war continues in Transnistria, Moldavia's final region.

Argentina continues to cut taxes across the board, and Lithuania seems to be following suit with a massive tax restructuring, centered around a general shift to a 7-10% import tax.

Denmark's congress is currently debating the acquisition of a Q1 hospital for their region of Hovedstaden. The congress seems unconvinced that a Q1 hospital is worth the 20G price tag.

Great Poland will soon be host to a Q5 Hospital, and their alliance with Romania will soon be renewed.

Italy and Brazil will be renewing their alliance as well, it would seem.

A new network of alliances seems to be taking shape as Spain allies itself with Israel.

Singapore has recently begun voting on a measure to align their tiny nation with Switzerland.

The winner of today's President-facing-unlikely-to-succeed-imp eachment-vote raffle is Italy's Antimo! Come on down and claim your prize.

Interested in starting a business, or perhaps maximizing the profits of a business you already own? Take a look at this informative article from Ian John Locke IV on how he makes his NJ-based iron company profitable.

By way of keeping an eye on the international press, one of our reporters came across this article from Indonesia advocating the annexation of Hawaii. While probably simply a lulz article, it may be worth watching.

Both Kyle Galli and myself are running for congress as representatives of the Democratic Party in New Mexico and West Virginia, respectively. As non-top-5 parties cannot put congressional candidates on the ballot, our campaigns are sponsored with the help of the AAP, who have my thanks. To any who are willing, please drop by and take a look at the relevant thread in the party forums, and help us pound the pavement. A list of messages to be sent out is available here:

Ireland's president successfully escaped impeachment.

► Correction: As Quanah Parker pointed out, this paper incorrectly reported that the Hungarian-Spanish peace proposal would be successful yesterday. This sloppy journalism will not be tolerated at the Enquirer, and the reporter responsible for this error has been sacked. We apologize for the error, and hope that it won't happen again.