Israel's Ambassador to Austria- Thoughts and Views #12

Day 510, 17:45 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

Today, Under the direction of Sadeh, I decided to take back my posistion as an ambassador for this great nation, This time not to the U.K but to a struggling, back door nation of Austria.There are so many opportunities for us when it comes to Austria. Austria sits in between Italy and Germany and several other nations, It has been pushed and shoved and has had its liberty pushed to the toilet along with its pride over the past couple of months. Austria needs help if it wants to remain independent and free of molestation. We are small just as they, and have struggles as we have with our issues that we face regarding Turkey. I am beginning to work with Austria’s Leadership on behalf of the current administration to look into possible future training for our warriors in any conflicts that may arise between Austria and Italy. We would be supporting Austria and fighting Italy, but not publicly to draw attention to our nation, as we don’t need to become a target of peace. This would be an under the table type thing where we would fly to Austria and support Austria in battle therefore giving our troops experience points. There Is a lot to be worked, out and as soon as I have some blanket commitments I will get Buzzy and the military leaders of Israel together with their leaders along with Sadeh and his ministers so that we can get some solid groundwork laid out. None of this is binding or official currently as I am in pre-luminary stages of communication with Austria. This is the message sent to Austria from me earlier today for you to view.

Greetings, I am Justin Moore, new ambassador to Austria from Israel. I am glad to have the honor to deal with such a fair nation as yours. I understand your struggles as a small nation that is being squeezed by European Forces. I have read your pleas for help over the last few days. I will tell you up front that eIsrael does not have a large group of people that can just up and move to Austria to help you out in that manner; we are struggling and growing slowly as well, constantly facing a threat from Turkey, just as Greece is in the same position.

On behalf of the eIsraeli government under the Sadeh Badeh administration I do have some suggestions that will help keep what is left of your country secure, safe and sound. You may already be implementing these items on your own as a nation.

1. Israel would recommend you remain Neutral without partaking in Full membership of Peace or Atlantis at this time.

2.Remain friendly in attitude and nature to all countries, even your worst enemies, as you are in a very difficult situation, this will buy your nation time to grow and get military support and people resources that you need.

3.Focus on your economy, keep taxes’ low to spur growth economically, while constantly reaching out and inviting people to move to Austria.

4. Try to seek some independent alliances with peace and Atlantis nations so that there is an equilibrium effect in place.

5. Try to get financial support from big countries like the U.S and Britain, we would recommend avoiding Indonesia and Romania all together as opening public communication with those nations could risk your security due to the ongoing conflicts with those nations, Hungary as well.We do support Romania as a faithful ally.

We are supportive of Austria in all ways possible, Just as we are working to remain independent and free of molestation from our aggressive neighbors, you are too. We understand your needs and your issues and want to be there in anyway possible. We may be interested in some non-binding military support commitments involving Israelite troops on your soil to assist in the protection of your peoples in case of further Italian attacks, and I would be willing to discuss this with Austria’s Leadership as the official ambassador. This would give our military the training we desire while assisting in protection of your nation. As I said this and all other options can be discussed privately with the Austria Administration.

Thank you for your time.

Justin Moore of eIsrael
Ambassador to eAustria