Is the UK Worth Our Honour?

Day 740, 17:12 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

With concern I have observed in recent times the revival and nourishing of anti-British segments in this our country. The voices calling for war with the United Kingdom are growing louder amid increasingly harsh verbal assaults - So let me raise mine against them.

It might seem strange for such an article to be written at a time when the Britons are attacking our US American allies, and I will admit that we would have many reasons to fight them. British actions in the recent months wholly deserved attributes such as being despicable, traitorous, and just plain stupid, and I would even go as far as to claim that we have a rightful casus belli against them. But does having a legitimation to do a mistake mean that one must act upon it no matter how foolish it is?

For once, there is the military aspect: To attack a country which has signed MPPs with Hungary, Indonesia, Russia, Serbia, France, and others would border suicide, and would lead to just the destruction of our own country again. I have heard people say that therefore we should simply wait till these pacts expire and launch our offence when they have lost the protection of their allies. But when will that be? One month, two, three? And mroe importantly, can such an assault still be morally justified when this time comes?

Being from eGermany, I know first hand what using old grudges as justification for hostilities means. Poland used the German invasion of the long past 2008 as a pretext for its traitorous betrayal in the Sweden-German war which shattered ATLANTIS, and Sweden forever defended its unrighteous invasions of the small country with obsolete and aged things like its liberation by Hungary when it used to be under Swedish control countless months ago. If everyone was to become like this, then everyone could "legitimately" attack anyone else because of some minor conflict in the distant past.

Furthermore we need to consider the overall political situation on the world. Now that PEACE GC has ceased to be a threat or even something that should be seen as hostile, with its most aggressive and imperialist members having parted, EDEN is the only major alliance left. Due to the strong ties between the warmongers of former PEACE the power vacuum this situation left has been glossed over for now, but nonetheless: If we as a part of EDEN were now to tread on the path of imperialism, would this not turn EDEN into a second PEACE, which turn would frighten other nations and ultimately give birth to another super-alliance, repeating this endless cycle we have just managed to break out of?

Lastly and most importantly, such an act of aggression would simply go against everything Canada stands for. We're a well-liked country with thriving relations to many others regardless of what alliances they may or may not be in, we have proven to be most loyal and reliable allies and friends, are known to rush to the aid of anyone in peril, and to prevail as a pillar of virtue and peace in this war-torn world. Do we really want to surrender all of this to satisfy our lust for meaningless revenge? To give up on our ideals which have served us so wonderfully and the rest of the world as a splendid example, and to sever a lot of potential and already knotted bonds? I, for once, do not believe such a petty matter is worth these immense losses which would accompany it.