Is Japan better?

Day 160, 01:52 Published in Japan Japan by Swift Lee

No. Besides them being more active, they face almost the same problems as what south korea used to have. Shortage of food (I need some and I can't find any) and also the lack of jobs.

The food shortage is TERRIBLE. Japan conquered some regions of South Korea and that worsen the situation. Gaining roughly around 30 - 40(?) South Koreans, they have hardly enough food to even feed the Japanese people themselves what more the people that they took over?

Not sure about the job situation here but it seems that there is a lot of CVs listed and none of them are being employed. So... high unemployment rate?

However, one things for sure is that the Japan's government is active and would surely do something to calm the situation down. Now the question is, how long or when are they able to actually solve the problems?

P.S I miss my Q3 Food in South Korea. They were priced as high as the Q1 food here in Japan. God Dammit.