Is being a Congressman really that easy?

Day 455, 02:38 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

People may think, oh let's run for congress! We get 5 gold and all we have to do is vote on a few small issues! I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Not to say that it isn't fun, I've had a great time but it is very time consuming and you need to stay on top of lots of things.

Firstly, let me explain what an average day for me is, it might not be the same for others, but Y&H is a very active region and very demanding. Firstly I log on, work, train and all the normal stuff. I then read the main news stories so I actually know what's going on that say before I log into the forums. Once there, I will reply to my new messages (if I have any, I usually do) then I jump straight into the Y&H regional forums, (which is the most active btw) I have to look through all the new posts on the threads, to keep up with the discussions, get involved and also help new citizens with their questions. I then have to have a look at the game threads to make sure it isn't getting out of hand (and to join in) because congressmen have to moderate their forums, which can be hard sometimes.
I then check the general forums, to see if anything major is happening, because if it is, they'll be discussing it in the HoC. Read through some posts until you understand what's going on, maybe post a bit, then head over to the HoC. Read any new topics and post on them, giving your opinion. Then the bit I always find hard to remember, check the voting hall to see if any new votes are up. Then vote on the issues the way you would in game, and bear in mind don't go randomly posting votes up in-game, because without a forum vote then it just get's automatically voted down in game. Then I go onto my parties forums to check the latest developments because it's interesting to see what other like-minded individuals think.

Secondly, if you're lucky enough to have a council in your region. You need to talk to your councillors, who may need you to do things. Post newspaper articles in your council's org. New ideas that they've come up with, reports on their progress. If you haven't already, get a council sub forum. You've got to manage the budget, make sure you log on to the org daily to check if you have any new messages, post regularly on the paper to keep people updated on the goings of the region. Maybe some days, take a look at your regions rankings, I usually do it once a week, and find new active people to talk with.

If you have a lot of time on your hands, want to get active in politics, then congress is the job for you. It's really fun, but be aware it is time consuming and that when you post, you are not just representing yourself, but are representing you region too. Good luck to all those who wish to stand, and thank you for reading.

IndieKid, Twice Congressman for Y&H