Irish Union Party: Congressional Elections October 25th 2008

Day 338, 10:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Daoine na hEireann,

Today I wish to announce the beginning of the Irish Union Party's Congressional Election Campaign and to announce that any presidential campaigning will not occur until after the ballot boxes are counted for congress.

The Irish Union Party is committed to making eIreland a better place. Our members are active, competant and above all accountable to you, the people of Ireland.

Our emphasis for the upcoming month is helping to deal with the Economic crisis that is destroying businesses as we speak. Bugs and poor admin decisions have removed the need to buy most products so most companies are producing giant mountains of surplus stock. This will be the focus of Irish Union Party policies over the coming term.

Another serious issue that we would like to address is what we perceive to a democratic deficit in eIreland at the moment. The only participation that the people have in the democratic system is electing congressmen. This leads to a rather elitist democratic process. Many decisions are made in a hidden congress forum and even those made openly are only decided upon by congress and the general public are unable to even offer their opinions. The Irish Union Party feels that more decisions should be run through the general public via referendums.

Throughout the last term the Irish Union Party was instrumental in the creation of the eIrish University which is currently led by IUP congressman, Theus Jackus eIrish Minister if Education. In my small tenure as Minister of Defense we were heavily involved in the formation of the IDF's current payment scheme along with the other Minister Ciaran CheXavier.

If you have any questions about IUP policy or our Congressional candidates then please do not hesitate to ask me or any IUP congressman.

Here is the outgoing Irish Union Party congressional team:

1.Igor Thunderbrow (Party President)
2.Theus Jackus (Minister of Education)
3.Wes Tanner (Mayor of Cork)
4.Inquitus (Mayor of Dublin)
5.Nithraldur (5th Best eIrish citizen according to top citizens list)
6.Daxus Darkfire
7.Thomas Page
8.Josiah Roberts
9.Enda Kenny

Whatever you want or whoever you support, make sure to get out and vote for your preffered candidate on the 25th October.

Go n-eiri an tadh libh go leirGo raibh mile maith agaibh go leir,
Igor Thunderbrow,
President of the Irish Union Party

Election Posters
Thomas Page []
Igor Thunderbrow []
Theus jackus []