Irish Union Party: Congressional Elections

Day 335, 12:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

The Irish Union Party Wants your vote ion the 25th of October.
We currently have 23% of congress and with your support we can grow. As always the Irish Union Party is committed to helping form a better eIreland and our congressmen's activity and participation on legislation being paramount over the last term.
On a few occassions it was up to us to clear up the mess laft by miscommunication between the Government and the people with myself having to propose a 1 IEP minimum wage after irihsh_rebel's proposal was rejected leaving eIreland with a ridiculous 5 IEP minimum wage. Again the Irish Union Party had to take action after the debacle caused by the passing of high taxes on the Grain industry before it even had a chance to get on its feet and importantly the Irish Union Party was instrumental in setting up the Ministry of Education and ensuring the provision of Education to eIreland's populace.
Your outgoing IUP representatives in congress:
Igor Thunderbrow, Minister of Defense
Theus Jackus, Minister of Education
Thomas Page
Wes Tanner
Daxus Darkfire
Enda Kenny
John Hailey
With 5 days until the congressional elections, it is time for the party to decide our congressional candidates. Will all interested party members either contact me or state their intentions on the party forums or even leave a comment here.