Irish Union Party Congress Manifesto

Day 520, 13:19 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization
Irish Union Party Candidates:
I am going to give a brief description of those who are running and links to presentations. You will notice we have a nice mix of new blood and older members running. I will promote accountability, accessibility and activity from all candidates. If you want to find out more about a certain candidate, please feel free to contact the candidate in question.

Nithraldur – The party's second most experienced member, former country President and has served in Congress many times. Link to presentation.
Highonsnow – Is a young member who has been completely active since joining eRepublik and is eager to make a difference.
tonymana – Another experienced and long time member of the party. Tony has served in Congress before and has many hard worker awards to prove his activity.
Dmck2b – A relatively new member of the Irish Union Party looking for your vote. Link to presentation.
johnthemany – The party's third most experienced player who also has experience within Congress.
Severin – Current party president who also serves as Minister of Information and is seeking re-election to Congress. Link to presentation.

Cork and Kerry:
elementor – A young and upcoming member within the party who is looking to brighten eIreland's future. Link to presentation.
Conor Larkin – A rising member within the party who is very much active on eRepublik and on the eIreland forums. Link to presentation.
cora mcstrap – An experienced member who has served many times in Congress.
Risk201 – Another young and enthusiastic member of the party who would greatly appreciate your vote. Link to presentation.
patton – One of the party's most experienced players who has experience in Congress and was once president of eIreland.
uaithne – A proud experienced member of the party who is both active and has served many terms in Congress.

The Shannon:
FarciTibo – A longtime active member of the party.
crcr – An active and approachable member of the party who has experience within Congress.
Barney Barron – Another young and upcoming member of the party.
Inquitus – The party's most esteemed and experienced member who has a lot of experience in Congress and was formerly country president.
sean curtin - An enthusiastic and upcoming active member of the party. Link to presentation.
Will Tikius - An experienced Congressman who is both active and dedicated. Link to presentation.

The Northest:
bakagaijin – An active and dedicated member with Congress experience.
James Campell – An outspoken member who is also active on the eIreland forum and is seeking reelection. Link to presentation .

The Southeast:
pdiddy – The esteemed Minister of Health who is active and has plenty of Congress experience.
Phil – An experienced and longtime member of the party.
Paddy O'Fucyou – A active member of the party who also has Congress experience.
Richard Winters – A devoted young member of the party who is both active and accessible.

The Northwest:
Eamon_de_Valera – A hard working active member of the party with a lot of experience in Congress. Link to presentation.
Delphinian – Another young and active member of the party.
Padraig Pearse – A dedicated young member of party seeking his first term in Congress. Link to presentation .
Vinners – One of the parties more experienced members who is active and has experience within Congress.

On The Issues:
In the interest of not repeating what has already been said many times before I will keep this relatively brief. If you want to know what the party stands for or where we are heading please read this article.

The Irish Union Party realizes the importance of providing state jobs to train new citizens and will ensure such jobs are constantly available. At the moment there is nothing seriously wrong with state companies (if it ain't broke don't fix it) however we will continue to seek new ways to improve upon what has already been done. Some of our members have even suggested various reforms to the current situation. There is not quick fix to inflation in eIreland and gradual consistent deflation of the currency is the only way around it. The government simply cannot intervene where inflation is concerned, as our treasury will not allow it.

Ministerial positions should always be giving out based on merit and not political affiliations. We would like to see more transparency from the government and think a budget should be released weekly (after all, our citizens deserve to know where the taxes they pay go). In the interest of accessibility we would like to see the government engage more with everyday citizens and make more public announcements.

Foreign Policy
We believe eIreland should remain neutral as long as no real argument is made to join either alliance. Both alliances have used appalling and underhanded tactics in the past. We should bide our time before choosing to join any alliance (without any pressure from ulterior forces) and the alliance in question should respect our ideals (eIreland should never become a part of some war engine that oppresses smaller countries abroad). Suffice to say our MMP with the United Kingdom is sufficient for the moment and any additional alliance would be an unnecessary financial burden. Furthermore, it is very much important that eIreland talk and engage with other countries so that we can improve our international relations and leave no one mistaken as to what this great Isle stands for. Regarding war games, we very much support the idea of having wars games with Canada and would like to ensure that promises made to eIrish people become realities in the near future. Finally, we would to see the Irish Defense Forces fight abroad in regions where minorities are being oppressed.

Thank you for your attention. We would greatly appreciate your consideration and vote on election day.