Irish Regiment of New Jersey Update

Day 617, 05:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tomas O'Se


I have just been made the leader of the Irish Foreign Legion. We are a Brigade of soldiers, unaffiliated with the Irish Government who are determined to fight against PEACE.

We are currently divided into 2 Regiments.

The 1st Irish Regiment of New Jersey
Commanding Officer: WallingtonBear

The 1st Irish Regiment of Florida
Commanding Officer: george heisman

This newspaper is now the official paper of the Irish Foreign Legion. Please subscribe to it for updates and orders.

We will be moving out in the next few days so remember to sort out your work. Don’t start a new job and if you just have, PM your boss and ask him to fire you.

If your health is below 40, please get in contact with any of the below;

Minister of Health - Top Gun
Deputy Minister of Health - ian arbuckle
Junior Minister of Health - John Gormley

They can help you.

I have secured guns but a few more people have signed up than I anticipated 🙂 so I am struggling for moving tickets. If you can afford it, please try and buy your own moving tickets. Hopefully, I’ll be able to secure a few more in the next day or so but just in case, please try and buy your own.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining, please PM me or leave a comment below.



Lieutenant Tomas O’Se

Brigadier of the Irish Foreign Legion