Introduction to NISBO for beginners

Day 739, 10:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by NI Social Benefits Office
This article was written by Tom Fletcher

Welcome to the official paper of the Northern Ireland Social Benefits Office; The Norn Iron Tribune. Remember citizens of Northern Ireland, this is your paper – informing you of all the latest on goings, news and events happening in Northern Ireland. This issue, we will be focusing on helping new citizens and encouraging people to move to Northern Ireland.

Help for new players: The President of eUK’s New Players Guide. Use this as a basic but easy to understand walkthrough of the game’s various functions. We know it can be very confusing when you first join up, so here are some more in depth guides into basic functions (again by the country’s President; they’re very good):
Beginner’s Guide To: Fighting And Gaining Wellness
Beginner’s Guide To: Understanding Wars, Battles And Fighting

Confused?: So What Is NISBO?
NISBO, or Northern Ireland Social Benefits Office is a place to get help with the game (just message us), as well as news updates etc. NISBO gives food and weaponry to those in need, and it has its own weaponry company, oh, and of course, we have this paper to feed you the news.

Every month, congress elections take place, alongside Party President and Presidential elections. Congress members are ordinary members who are chosen by their respective political parties (Major parties include: TUP (The Unity Party), UKRP (United Kingdom Reform Party), RFA (Radical Freethinkers Alliance), PCP (People’s Communist Party) and the BEP (British Empire Party)), and they run for the votes of the public in their chosen region (e.g. Northern Ireland). If they get enough votes, they will become congress members in that area, and can propose new laws, vote on new laws and with their new status, get change pushed through quickly. There are other, more minor parties, however, and you may wish to take a look at these (just have a look around on ERepublik, or use the ERepublik Wiki, which is great for help with little things, and understanding politics etc, as well as worldwide alliances and global goings on. This is your best place to find out more about the Presidential and Party President elections.

Congress elections for November have just finished. This week saw a big turnout to vote, although, unfortunately, we only have two congressmen this month (Daniel Bibby lost out at the last minute). They are as follows:
Certacito (UKRP)
Tom Fletcher (TUP)

Citizens should use these two members as a point of contact with any help needed or issues needing resolving to do with law or congress. You can do this by messaging them through ERepublik (type one of their names into the search bar, click the magnifying glass symbol, then click on them, and find the ‘Send message’ link. Remember, if you haven’t already, join the eUK forums, where you can integrate yourself into the eUK community and ask questions etc, plus, you can also get involved in the politics side of things, and you can join the army; ready to move around the world to help out your country – a great way to build up your strength and meet new people. Once you have signed up, you can visit the eNorthern Ireland section, where you can find out more about our great region. Included is the ‘What Is NISBO Doing For You?’ thread, another way of asking questions to Tom Fletcher or contact john12306, Jacen Molare or Daniel Bibby who are other active and capable members and use this thread.

Remember, if you are living in another region (e.g. South East, London, East Midlands etc.) and wish to move to Northern Ireland, NISBO will pay for the cost of moving by providing you with a moving ticket. Just contact us through a message.

Well, that’s it for this issue of The Norn Iron Tribune; we’ll be back soon with updates on the latest news and issues. Remember to use the eUK forums (link posted earlier) to keep in contact with the fellow Northern Irish and other eUK citizens.

Thanks for reading! Remember, if you liked us, vote and subscribe to this article. This can be done at the top of the page. Please post comments and feedback at the bottom – we’re always willing to improve our service.