Introducing the new Israel First

Day 1,027, 20:10 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

*Insert Cheesy Slogan here*

Hello eIsrael Gavin here. Some of you may know me as former party president of UZP, Former Speaker of the Knesset, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, and a bunch of other crap. Well today Im speaking to you as a simple citizen. A Joe the Plumber if you wish. I come bearing good news to some maybe bad to others.

It has been decided that after the party presidential Elections that the United Zionist Party will be merging into the Israel First party.

This decision came after much discussion and planning. The sad truth is the UZP has suffered a big decline since my leave several weeks ago. This seems to have been the result of a major disagreement in the party regarding the Kibbutz Movement. Most of the active members left for different parties following this which left a leadership gap in its place.

So the UZP will be dissolved after the PP elections and all remaining active members are encourage to move over to Israel First and sign up on their new Bilingual Forums.

With that all said I would like to also announce that I have begun to help the new Israel First party re brand itself. I have created its first official logo and their new Official Bilingual Forums.

With the help of Ohad Sella, Dean Michaely, matanb, and others we are trying to re brand the Israel First Party.

Part of this process includes:

- Moving away from the Hebrew only FXP based party into a Bilingual English and Hebrew Supported Party. The new forums further support this.

- Creating Large opportunities for new players to become involved in party affairs through volunteer options and a new leadership structure and hierarchy. We want to loose the image of being a party run by a select few and rather be an open, newbie friendly party.

We want to stress we are a eIsraeli party. Built by eIsraelis for eIsraelis. Members of our party include some of the most veteran and well respected members of eIsrael who have been here through the good times and the bad times and have helped make eIsrael the great country it is today.

With that said we also want to make it clear that it is our belief that the needs of the country and its people ALWAYS comes before the needs and interests of the party.

We are not a party that prides itself in control power or influence in the political arena but rather a party that prides itself in the contributions it makes to the nation.

We hope to be known as the party that is made up of the most active and contributing members of eIsraeli Society. Members that serve actively in the Knesset, Military, and other governmental posts.

In the coming weeks more articles will be released regarding new plans and ideas being implemented in Israel First.

We are looking for active members to help out here and there and those that are interested in leadership positions and working to make our party better. If you are interested send me a message or add me on MSN. (

Am Yisrael Chai