Interviewing Two Party Presidental Candidates...with Reinfield!

Day 3,764, 12:27 Published in USA USA by Reinfield

1. An Interview...or two!

Reinfield here, with another article for you to enjoy. This time around I have decided to interview two party presidential candidates. They're both two men willing to work hard for their parties and they want their shot to do so. So, why not ask them a bit about what is going on with their party, what is it, and a few other questions. The two party presidential candidates I've interviewed are Centomax of the Socialist Freedom Party and David Wilson of The Constitution Party. So let's get to it!

The Good, the bad, and the interview!

1. How did your party originate? Were there any driving forces that led to the creation of your party?

David Wilson: For many, many years (my entire elife) this party existed as the United States Workers Party

When I first started playing, the USWP Party President was Ananias. He had a unique “win the game” philosophy that I didn’t understand at the time. I was too young and involved in school government and exploring RL political science so I was unable to truly appreciate the game in it’s own context. Ananias wrote an article about his philosophy.

In my first ever article (I’m not linking it here but you can find it if you care enough), I chose to try and respond to it. At that time, (in part because I couldn’t fully appreciate all the game mechanics, and also in part because I was some kind of in-game pacifist) the USWP became my rivals. I joined the (recently revamped) United Independents Party instead and Ansen became my mentor. I distinctly remember USWP later becoming “Pfeiffer’s Party”. Pfeiffer is notorious and controversial in this game and has done pretty much anything and everything there is. I’ve had a lot of fun in the past trying to oppose him in Congress and using him as a boogeyman. He has said he will be around to turn the lights out on eRepublik and I believe him. My personal sense is that as Pfeiffer’s boredom waxed and his interest waned, the party lost a bit of its edge and direction. Several USWP members have suggested things felt “stale”. Membership was declining. I think that’s where Gnilraps stepped in with his vision of a new party. While Pfeiffer’s style always struck me as devious and manipulative, Gnilraps’ style is much more inclusive and encouraging. Gnilraps’ philosophy is to lead by example and be the most active, fun-loving player in the game. Enter the Constitution Party (TCP). I heard some talk about this just being USWP with a new logo and name. It’s not. Sure, most USWP members stuck around, but there is new leadership and a distinctly new platform. I can’t quite explain why it feels different yet, but it is most certainly not the USWP. If I had to pick one word to describe the shift it might be inclusivity. USWP was known to be more of an exclusive club of the most elite players. Part of the draw of USWP was that it wasn’t easy to crack the inner circle. With TCP, the inner circle is a mile-wide and the vibe is supportive and educational rather than critical and belittling. TCP is hell bent on making this game the most fun experience possible for EVERY player. I can guarantee you that USWP would never have given me the chance to lead the party so soon after joining. This isn’t USWP. What TCP has inherited from USWP, though, is a PhD level understanding of history and game mechanics, and a respect for the value of the forum.

Centomax elected to not comment on this first question.

2. What would you say about the USA's current situation in the world? What about in relation to your party and its goals?

David Wilson: The state of our nation is very strong. Despite the initial Air Strike on Croatia’s colonies in Thailand failing last month, I think the tremendous show of support we received from our allies in defending the counterattack shows just how strong our diplomacy is. I also think our Air Power is a huge asset and look forward to it growing. One of our party pillars is “Sovereignty of eUSA”. I think the detailed effort that our party puts into understanding and executing both diplomacy and military strategy shows exactly how seriously we take this. It’s the reason so many of this party’s members are in key leadership roles at the Executive level.

Centomax: The eUSA's situation in the world is a quiet one. We just recently had our CP elections and Gnilraps put on a wonderful victory celebration with a D4 epic battle last night which had a great turn out. Many
SFP'ers participated which is great to see. I look foward to see more of that participation in the future.

3. There was a CP election recently, do you or your party have any comments on the election?

David Wilson: We’re very proud of Gnilraps. He has been on a tear lately. His ability to get people excited, lay the groundwork for this party, and then move in to the Oval Office makes it look easy. It’s not. It takes a massive amount of time and commitment, as well as all-star people skills. It’s a tremendous achievement.

Centomax: As many know, I was a candidate for the SFP in this recent election. The election went very well, and in the end, Gnilraps got the victory in a wide-margin landslide. During an interview with David Wilson, both myself and Gnilraps got interviewed and we shared mostly the same views for this country. As said, it was a great race on both sides and I wholeheartedly believe Gnilraps will do great things for the eUSA this month.

4. Any long term goals for your party that you'd like to share?

David Wilson: Obviously we’d like to be ranked #1 in membership. We’ve just jumped to #2 and feel we can keep the momentum going. We would also like to have the largest share of representatives in Congress. I personally would like to see us focus more on National goals than party goals though. We’re really trying to make sure that our 3 pillars are well supported and protected. That means having a big say in Congress, making sure that Congress knows how to tax and spend wisely, and that our Military and Foreign Affairs are trained and vigilant.

Centomax: Long term goals I have for this party is to get it to the Number One spot. I believe it is a reachable goal and it can be done. However, it takes more than one to get this done so I call upon all members of the SFP to get activly engaged and do their part in making the SFP a better place for new players and reviving veteran players alike.

5. Let's say you have ten seconds to describe your party to a noob, what would you say?

David Wilson: We are Teachers and Leaders. We are Experts and Noobs. We enjoy how forum and meta-game enhance the web-browser experience.

Centomax: To a new player, I suggest getting active inside the party and learning as much as they can from veteran players before they get too deep into anything, including politics or military.

6. Are there any comments you'd like to give on the Party President elections this month?

David Wilson: I’m really humbled to have received such wide support, not only from current leaders in the party but also from many outside of our party. I think it shows that what we are trying to build here is something that benefits all eUS citizens, not something hyper-partisan or exclusive.

Centomax: As I am a candidate for this months Party President election, I would like to give a shout-out to all the SFP members who supported me in the CP election and I wish for great things for this party. No matter who wins the party president elections this month, as long as its not a PTO event, they will undoubtably do a great job with the help of active members who do their part.

7. Anything else you'd like to say in conclusion?

David Wilson: Thank you for getting involved in media. I’m a firm believer in the underappreciated power of a Newspaper and I love that it’s now a way to make some extra cc. It’s not only a good way to communicate, but it forces a writer to really explore and learn the nuances of the game. That’s why I enjoy writing and I hope more, like you, will join in.

Centomax: In conclusion, I would like to say that eRepublik is what you make it. The game is currently in a decline for specific reasons due to the occasional selfish player who refuses to help new guys and then those new guys just press that red X in the corner of the browser and forget this game forever. All I ask, help out new players! In the SFP, we do everything we can to help our new players and even players who don't belong to our party. Do your part and we can get this game back to the gold old days.

2. Finishing up!

That's that for this article. I'd like to take a second to thank the two men I had interviewed for their time. I hope this gives you a better idea as to what these men stand for and maybe just a little bit of insight into their parties. Thanks for stopping by, and stay cool.

Best wishes,
