Interview with eSingapore's President [Sing]

Day 863, 15:37 Published in Singapore USA by logan Dunleavy

Day 863 of the New World, The Daily Exclaimer; keeping you informed

As I traveled around my new eHome, eSingapore I walked all around the tiny island that is Singapore taking in the sights and people. I was trying to learn a bit of the local language. I had a bite to eat for lunch and continued walking around the beautiful city. I then ran into a scandaly dress woman, who looked rather inappropriate in her miniskirt. Anyways after running about town I came upon the eSingaporean presidential palace. The door was open and ungraded so I let myself in wanting to look around.

After walking into the president's house you'll never guess who I, not Waldo but Boethiah the president of eSingapore. That just goes to show you that you never know who you'll run into in a presidential palace. I figured that while he was calling his guards this would be the perfect chance to get an interview with him, after all he is the president.

The interview

I asked him, what do you, as the head of state think about the current situation in EDEN?

He responded, I think they need to take a look at why they set up the alliance in the first place, and remember that they really helped each other out. That there was a reason they were allies. I mean it doesn't really affect us too much. But I do feel the US is a calming influence on the rest of eden.

Then I asked. What do you think of Phoenix?

The president said, I think that they are an interesting alliance, on the one hand we've had a lot of issues with Serbs, in Singapore, on the other hand I've experienced really good relations with Indonesia, especially when me AnB and ww88 worked on nusantara. and I really hope that the current peace process benefits all of SEA. Tbh apart from the Serb PTO last month, not had too many issues with them as far as Singapore is concerned.

I proceeded to ask, Do you ever see eSingapore joining one of these alliances to any extent?

He states, nope. It would bring no benefit to Singapore. Eden Would use Singapore as a way to get to Indonesia, which concerns me as Singapore has always been very autonomous and shares reasonable to good relations with Indonesia, and has as many e😜eace members as it does ex-eden, and then naturalized eSingapore citizens like me who enjoy being self determenting, plus Eden has a habit of letting down allies, a la eNorth Korea in the Summer war, phoenix just wouldn't benefit us.

I asked, where do you see eSingapore going in the near future?

He said, I see it developing internally, so more people, with more activity, just more fun, and more fun. Singapore can't grow by land size, so it will need to grow in other ways, and I think it will be a case of quality of game experience over quantity of Size.

I then asked the president, what, in your opinion makes eSingapore great?

He responded by saying, The people, they are kind, dedicated and hard working, they all care about each other, and are all able to put aside small differences to really come through for each other. They all care about eSingapore, such as when people sacrificed their places without complaint for the congressional elections. I've made so many great friends here.

My last question to him was, why or why not do you think other citizens should come to eSingapore?

He said, I think anyone who is willing to make Singapore a great place and be part of a dynamic hard working team should come to Singapore, I think anyone could give it a go. Its a truly unique experience in eRepublik, and one that makes the game really fun.

I was then dragged out of the room while shouting &quot😉on't tase me bro!" I was then tased.