Interview: Mike Bane - Former CP of Ireland

Day 1,939, 12:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by Elite C

Continuing on with my Series of CP Interviews, I caught up with Mike Bane a few days before the election to see how he thought his CP Committee and Government preformed.

1. How do you think, honestly, the CP Committee preformed this month.
To start off, it unfortunately was corrupted from the inside from the beginning, which led to its *eventual* failure. I emphasize the word eventual. At the beginning it worked quite well and had good Committee communication that led to favorable progress. The experiment failed, but not the experiment itself. In the future perhaps we can try out a Committee again and hope the people who agree to be on the Committee do not have personal ulterior motives and plans to sabotage not only a national government but its internal politics as well. No one could have seen this coming except for those involved.

2. What have you accomplished?
To be completely honest we accomplished what we could with the situations that were presented to us. We signed a few MMP's, improved our relations with several nations, successfully kept the treasury from being robbed (sadly an accomplishment in eIreland), and our MoC has done a lot not only for the community but also earning a little income for the State for future administrations.

I know the list is not extensive nor anywhere near impressive, but this does not reflect how well the administration ran this month. One bad move could of had us all wiped. What we mostly 'accomplished' was setting the board for the next administration and we can only hope they will be ready to move the pieces.

3. What do you think is Ireland's biggest fault going forward?
Internal conflict, period. It's stopped us from bringing eIreland up to the international stage on any serious level. Some do not see the 'bigger picture' and simply focus their efforts on sabotaging their fellow eIrish brethren. I've always firmly believed that, if we put away our differences, eIreland could once again achieve great things just like we did after the December 2010 wipe of our nation. If we do not do this, eIreland will never be a player in international politics & war.

4. Have you left the Finances in a better position then when you found them?
Yes, Appleman has worked diligently to improve our financial situation and with the help of some congressmen/women we have made the most reasonable and nearly risk-free decisions. I am happy to say that the worldwide financial crisis, particularly in eIreland, is slowly fading and as long as Appleman (or any future MoFs) make good decisions I believe we are looking forward to a much better economy in the near future.

5. Had you considered contesting the CP Election this month? Why/Why Not?
The first half of the month, when things were going smoothly and didn't have to focus on internal conflicts, I was considering putting my hat into the ring again. So yes, at the beginning I was hoping to run for re-election however not only has my party been TO'd (so we can't run a candidate, really) but since our progress was put to a halt I think we will have to review where we made mistakes and come out strong next time we run a candidate.

6. How was your interaction with Congress this month?
It was limited. I will be honest, it mostly consisted of overlooking the decisions that congress presented. The only thing that I got directly involved in was at the beginning with the whole immigration problem which we eventually resolved later in my term.

7. Was the Senate running this month?
Not sure if I understand the question so I'll answer the two ways I could interpret this question. If you're asking if the Senate were organized into mass PM's than yes it was set up and running as a function of government. If you're asking if they were working and/or operating this month, from what I observed and dealt with they were most certainly working this month.

8. Have you anything to say to people who say you have an unprogressive and useless term?
I do not think the majority of eIrish would say my term was so. There were a certain few people that certainly flooded the media criticizing this government as being stalemate and "the worst in months" however we know these people love to gain at the expense of others.

This month we literally had so little to work with. Our finances were low, we've greatly improved them since and hope that work can be continued next month. Since the money was low we could only sign a few MMP's, which in turn limited our battle options. We got involved in a few wars though and had the possibility of having our own war but that turned out to not be an option as a potential result would have been the wiping of our nation.

So I want to make one thing clear, especially to those who criticized us heavily, that we made the most out of the options given to us. We set up the playing board for the next administration, we tried our best to fix what was broken and we succeeded in that for the most part.

9. What's next for MikeBane?
I plan to help future administrations in the goal of uniting our country and putting an end to PTO's and mending relations with all parties/factions who are WILLING to show a little maturity and truly show their loyalty to eIreland. I hope to also be part of the national government in the future and helping out future administrations. Certainly not running for CP again for at least a few months and next time...I won't risk sabotage again because despite how good the gesture is, you just never know if you got a snake in the grass.

10. Finally, who do you think will win the Election on 5th March?
MUFC992 will most likely win the election and to be honest I hope he does. He's had solid terms, has put together a great cabinet, and certainly is ready to lead us in a war next month. We set up some opportunities for next month so they better play the cards right.

Thanks to Mike Bane for answering,
and please try and be nice with the comments.


All the Best