Internal Affairs Program Doesn't Add Up

Day 510, 05:07 Published in India South Korea by Ambrose Didymus

The first press release coming out of the Internal Affairs office made for some interesting reading.

The minister plans to "gift all new comers till they reach wellness 80".

While I applaud the intention of the Minister for Internal Affairs, the cost of such a program is prohibitive and the benefits are questionable.

Let's take a closer look at the proposal:

* All going well, 30 gifts are required to get a new citizen up to 80 wellness
* The cheapest gifts currently available in The New World costs 0.045 gold (a little over 2 INR)
* That means it will cost at least 60 INR to get each new citizen up to 80 wellness

* Over the last week, the government treasury has grown by 110 INR per day on average

* This means, if this program had been in place over the last week, the government could have only afforded to have 5 new citizens involved in this program at a time.....with no money being allocated to military, the purchase of a hospital or any other government programs.

Instead of this government program, this publication would rather see taxes on income and consumer goods lowered so that eIndia's citizens have a better chance of taking care of themselves.

Our republik does not need and certainly cannot afford this kind of program.