Interiew with President Majkal (english)

Day 91, 09:29 Published in Sweden Sweden by Popolo

Very Important!
The hottest material in media-world today!
Exclusively for “O co chodzi?!” an interview with His Excellency, Sir Majkal, The President of Poland. About the future of Poland and about the threats that our Republic may face tomorrow. If you seek for explanations of government’s policy if you want to be ready for the future, you have to read this.
(available in English and Polish versions)

O co chodzi?!: Mr President, why weapon is cheaper than food? What is the meaning of weapon in erepublik? Is a war possible here?
Sir Majkal: Because since we are a small country and we can"t compete with other countries in population nor economy we want at least have a above average strong army. With the WARS being impletated in the game in March. WE need to be able to protect our country.

O co chodzi?!: How much will the houses cost and how afford it at present prices of food?
Sir Majkal: The Houses will be cheap, at this point no company in Poland is run with profit. The present food prices are just temporary

O co chodzi?!: Will the national program start, that will supportt the citizens not to die out of stavation? I see there is money in budget for this.
Sir Majkal: Yes, NO loyal workers will starv in this country.

O co chodzi?!: Will the citizens, who train military be reimbursed financial from the budget for its efforts?
Sir Majkal: Yes. All loyal soldiers will be rewarded. The key to our country"s succes is loyality and hard work.

O co chodzi?!: Will the hospitals be built to improve wellness and when?
Sir Majkal: The local elections is up ahead, and as soon as a mayor have been apointed, hopefuly he will be able to build a hospital. Unfortunaly everthing takes time and I dont have the power to solve everything. So it is very important that we are patient and believe in the system

O co chodzi?!: Mr President, thank you for your answers.