Interest Update - Important Information for Bank Depositors

Day 672, 08:26 Published in USA USA by t'jelle Bank

Hello depositors of t'jelle Bank and all those who are reading this.

I (AidenAstrup) and my Financial Officer (Sebastian Locke) have been meeting numerous times over the past week in the real world going over financial information, investment opportunities, and the series of offers put before us. After much talking and numbers, we have decided to make a few changes that will improve the safety, quality and effectiveness of t'jelle Bank. Some of these you might not even notice, others you will. We have changed the way we organize our loan system, created new orgs to increase efficiency, but there is one major change that we need to inform you of.

Since t'jelle Bank's creation, we have offered the highest interest rates in the New World over any bank (that lasted more than 2 weeks). In fact, we currently offer more than double the interest rates of any other competitor. This sounds fantastic, but it means that we must then in turn generate higher returns on investments in order to cover that interest. That hasn't posed too much of a problem since we currently have reserves that can back up interest rates for the next 4 months. It does put us at a disadvantage however, when in negotiations for investments if our competitors can offer half the interest rate as us.

When we offer higher interest rates on loans, it increases their risk of defaulting if they are running against others who can offer lower prices since they have to pay back less to a bank. Higher interest then also raises prices which is no good for anyone.

Due to these issues, we have decided after much discussion to lower interest rates. They will still be around 30% higher than our competitors, and we won't be making any profit off of this. As our interest rates for deposits lower, so will our interest rates on loans. Here is the proposed breakdown for new interest rates:

4.25% monthly for Citizen Deposits Accounts
5% for Citizen Investment Accounts
5.25% for Company Deposit Account
5.75% for Corporate Holdings Accounts

In accordance with bank policy this change will not take effect until October 22nd 2009 for existing and new depositors. On October 22nd, all interest for deposits that have been in the bank for a month will change to above proposal.

This change will allow us to better serve our customers and the citizens of eRepublik. We ask that you forward all questions, comments and concerns to this organization.