Inter View with Nick Jones, Candidate for PPSA PP

Day 964, 00:48 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma

Party President Elections are upon us again, and it’s time to consider who will bring PPSA forward over the next month. We’re fortunate to have a very strong and loyal candidate in Nick Jones. I though it a good idea for us all to get to know him better. I was very pleased when he agreed to sit down for an interview. His story is one of intrigue and redemption. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I.

DF: You’ve been playing eRep just about a year now. Have you always been a member of the eSouth African community?

NJ: I have not, actually. I was in eGermany when Ines was trying to get the 3rd rep started and I was trying to get involved and play around in German politics. That’s when Poland PTOed Germany and I was put in Hungarian-occupied territory. I stuck with it and moved to the capital of Hungary and that’s when a now-known troller, Cornelious, invited me to go to South Africa to be in the Congress and work for Ajay Bruno (another troll). Ii soon found out that I didn't agree with what they were doing, so I floated around and joined eSA Gold Party and things took off from there.

DF: Have you developed a philosophy about the game or how you believe it’s best to play eRep in the past year?

NJ: I believe that the game should be honest and fair even though it’s not and those who do dastardly deeds (Brazil, Poland, Indo) should be severely punished in some way. Otherwise, having the community together talking and debating, not just the elites, is my main philosophy because the few can only do so much without the approval of the majority

DF: How often to you come online to play the game? How often do you check the forums?

NJ: On most days I am on 5-6 times. On days that have a lot of action I may be on 10-15 times, depending on how involved I am on the issue. I am on the forums just as often I like to tab them together at the same time to minimize too much clicking around.

DF: You’re not in uniform – Are you a member of a military organization? Why or why not?

NJ: I was denied being a member of the SA military because of my work in the Kaisierlich Guard. It was a militia for my party at the time. It was nothing and was disbanned 3 or so months ago.

DF: You’ve served 2 terms in Congress. What has that taught you about the game that you may not otherwise have known?

NJ: Being in Congress is not an easy job and just getting elected is really hard to do.

DF: Security is a top priority for eSouth Africa. What is your view on the constant efforts to PTO us and our efforts to preserve South Africa’s self-rule?

NJ: Our security department does a good job and we have a competent man running the show, so I feel pretty safe. Sometimes things happen that just can't be stopped very easily.

DF: You voiced an interest in running for CP but stepped down in the interest of national security. Why were you willing to sacrifice for eSouth Africa? Why not just pursue personal interest?

NJ: I didn't have the popularity and since we had a PTO attempt coming and I really wanted to run when were able to have a fair and non-PTO threatened election. I think that safety comes first. I saw the condemnation that having many candidates received and I didn't want that kind of response, so I backed down and let the plan go forward.

DF: We’ve arrived at V2. What are your predictions for the new eRep?

NJ: We will lose some players because the beta spends too much gold and I can't even get my account to work just right. So, we could lose some people, but we could also gain a whole new outlook on what can be done and how we take steps forward into a brighter "rising" tomorrow.

Party President Elections are in 5 days. I hope all of PPSA will support earnest candidates and help to further protect eSouth Africa from threats of PTO.