Inter Party Council - Late Review of 1st Meeting

Day 683, 13:59 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator
About the Inter Party Council

How i came up with the Idea

A while back i came up with the Idea of a Inter Party Council. This was because of the likes of patton and declandonaghty88 releasing article and of the general dirt slinging i saw in the media when i was a young citizen. Here is the first article.

What are the arrangements?

- A meeting every month or so.
- Around 3 representatives per politcal party in eIreland (The Party President decides).
- The country president (timezone permittant)
- A few guest speakers to bring in ideas and further questions.
- A list of prepared questions on the main things going on in eIreland.

Sum-up of the last meeting

People who attended

- Niall H - Saoirse
- Digits - IV
- 5n4keyes - IFP
- Rollo Tommasi - IRP (Irish Radical Party) Now in Saoirse after they merged
- gordongekko - IUP
- Tarazis Sati - IUP
- Anaille Kolshire - IUP
- Uainthe - IUP
- Dubhthaigh - ISRP
- Darragh O Faolain - ISRP He is now in the IUP

Saoirse - 1
Independant Voices - 1
Irish Freedom Party - 1
Irish Radical Party - 1
Irish Union Party - 4
Irish Socialist Rebulican Party - 2

The turnout was bad. As i messaged each PP of each party there was no excuses. I was quite annoyed when barely any turned up from some and that was just because i asked certain party members to join from the eIrish IRC as there PP didn't bother to mention it. Hopefully the new PP's will be more receptive about this council as it is beneficial. The CP didn't join be he had a excuse, he is at a different timezone.

What was discussed

1 - Now what are your stances on joining an alliance?

Answers - Neutrality is the key until UK and USA are in the same alliance. "I will listen to all sides but I would rather not join any." - Araille Kolshire

Q2 - As the CP isnt here. Are you all happy with his progress so far?

Answers - The majority were pleased so far. "Im pleased with Pattons updates he had put alot of effort in." - Niall H. "i'm astounded the energy that man has thrown himself into the job" - Tarasiz Sati

Q3 - I feel we should offer some sort of honory system. Would you consider it a good idea?

Answers - Yes, a more Noble honorary system than the Community awards, they should be continued. "The president can choose from the commitee's nominee's" Darragh o Faolain. "life time achivement awards" gordongekko

Q4 - Are you happy with the political partys in eIreland?

Answers - They fill most gaps with mabye a little to many in the same gap. "If someone beleives there is a gap, they should form a party themselves" - Dubhtaigh. here's far too many parties as compared to the possibilities that the game offers" - Rollo Tommasi. "They should fill a diferent niche" 5n4keyes

I wanted to say as a whole we need to quit the dirt slinging between the partys. I doubt its many of us but we ned to stop our members from doing it.

Answers - We will try but alot of the time it can't be stopped. "Like blaming the ISD for Boru's bout of unpredictable lunacy" - Darragh O Faolain. "My suggestion is to encourage members to point out that their critisisms are their own and not their party's stance." - Uainthe

There was more talks but other matter cannot be disclosed.

The quotes i took were with consent of each person. If a quote with their name on didn't come up it didn't mean they did nothing. Everyone who was there contributed.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is being held by Dubhthaigh

Read his newpaper for the Article link about the next Inter Party Council here is the article link

Thanks for reading, thanks to all who turned up. Subscribe if you want 😉

Niall H

Thanks to Uaithne and Kolshire for the IRC logs, i lost mine this is why this is late 😒

Disclaimer - I realise ISRP is now ISD but at that time it was ISRP