Initiative of Deus Ex and the Black Lion Front

Day 379, 20:38 Published in South Africa South Africa by Deus Ex

The Top Priorities of the BLF

1. Food

Food prices are astronomical. While some of this is certainly a natural adjustment of the economy and it's inflation, a lot of this is just simple price gouging. Q3 food is being sold for 10+ ZAR? Q4 for 17+ ZAR? This type of exploitation by the Food Company owners is atrocious and unacceptable. However, with there being very few food companies in operation, there is no competition for existing food companies. The Bong Belly cooperative remains the sole voice of reason, selling it's Q3 food at less than half of the competition at press time. Improving competition by founding new companies requires a multitude of workers, capital, and skilled management, which are all thinks the market place lacks at this point in time.

The only option to alleviate this situation and return the food market to normalcy and improve the flow of capital around the economy is to create a secondary scheme of Food Cooperatives, operating under the Bong Belly model. This means FREE FOOD and GIFTS for all employees, reasonable wages, and a LOW-PROFIT operational model.

There are going to be those who say this seems like "big government" and an unneccesary socialist step and I disagree entirely. Bong Belly, when first introduced, vastly improved competition in the Food Market and a second co op company will only do the same. It is common sense, not necessarily socialism. For the naysayers who certainly remain: Do you have a better solution? Obviously not. Comp Mage's rallying cries of "There isn't much we can do about it." aren't exactly comforting now are they?

Once the food situation is stabilized and more companies naturally spring up, as happens with a developing economy, the public Cooperative can easily be sold off to private interests, it's purpose having been fulfilled. This is PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP, people.

BLF is the Party of action! The party of commitment to the development of South Africa!

2. Grain

As acting general manager of Bong Belly I see first hand every day how there is simply not enough Grain in South Africa for the existing food companies, let alone the new ones that need to be created to feed SA's population and drive down market prices to acceptable levels. Even lowering import taxes to 1% has not resolved the situation.

As President my cabinet and I will work tirelessly to bring more Grain to South Africa from the bread belts of the world. We must reach out to the world beyond our borders to import grain until we can raise our own production enough. No citizens will go hungry under the watchful and caring eyes of the Black Lions!

3. Diamonds

Diamonds are the single largest issue that South Africa faces in current times. As oil is for the Arabs, Diamonds are both a gift and a curse for the South Africans. While they do bring needed tax revenues from the corporations, exports, and workers, they are also a severe drain on our working class. The wages these companies pay are very high compared to what other industries in SA can afford. THe result has been workers of all types abandoning the other sectors for the more profitable diamonds industry. Industries such as Gifts and Food have been especially hard hit by the employee's shift.

The solution for diamonds will not be an easy one as it is a highly complicated issue. Nationalization is NOT the policy of the BLF in regard to the diamonds industry. Instead, We would like to take the unprecedented step of hosting a public forum between political leaders of SA and the economic leaders of the Diamonds Industry to find a solution to the problem that benefits everyone.

A lowering of wages in the Diamonds industry is probably the best step as it will surely bring a lowering of the astronomically high commodity prices with it (raising Real Wages for South Africans) and creating a more level economic playing field for the economy as a whole. This could in turn allow for Diamonds prices to be reduced, further helping the Gifts industry.

4. The South African Independence League (SAIL)

The Black Lion Front is entirely committed to the continuation of SAIL even without Comp Mage and his Free Africa Party. He alone chose to abandon the ideals of the coalition, we did not nor did the DAS party. SAIL was founded with the idea of a permanent coalition and as COmp was there originally as a BLF member (before carpet bagging his way into FA leadership) he knew this well and still chose to abandon the coalition and indeed SA in their time of need.

This is the time when South Africa is at her highest state of vulnerability, friends and citizens. Our nation has historically bounced from one take over attempt to the next. First the Indos, then the Hungarians, then the Indos again, then to the most recent Croation exploitation and rape of South Africa. Each of these threats have arisen shortly after the previous ones were defeated or dissipated. If history has taught us anything, South Africa is going to be at her most vulnerable right now! This is hardly the time for opportunists and power mongers to abandon SAIL!!! On the contrary, we must all make the coalition and our commitment to it stronger than ever.

So I invite ALL legitimate political parties in South Africa to participate in the coalition. Party Presidents may PM me with their interest and we will begin the short admissions process. SAIL provides a coordinated place for national and international news and events, coordinates votes on issues, and political candidates. This unification is a necessary event in these troubled times especially as we enter into this most danger phase.

My fellow South Africans, please remember the party who has always stood by you. Who fought courageously against the Indonesians and the Croations, who provides you with inexpensive food to the best of its ability, who legislates from a common sense perspective, and who is the most vocal and active in all of South Africa! Remember the party who has continued to work for you and sacrificed so much for our beloved nation.

Vote for freedom and equality! Vote for the ONLY party with a PLAN to improve SA's economy! Vote for the only major party that is actually ACTIVE for domestic and foreign events! Vote for the party that has been the vanguard of the anti-Croation revolution and of True Democracy in South Africa!

Vote for Deus Ex and the Black Lion Front!!!