Information About A Coming Attack By Poland on Denmark

Day 1,413, 11:29 Published in Denmark Germany by Flitwick
Good evening to everyone,

Some people might have noticed, at least our congressmen have, that Poland has started a vote to declare Denmark as Natural Enemy. This is going to be accepted and Denmark will very soon be occupied once more.

Some might ask, what let to this?
Several things. Cheung Andersen, who claims to be Danish by taking a Danish last name, but in no way have acted in the interest of Denmark, yesterday proposed Poland as Natural Enemy of Denmark.
This was of course largely voted down, but Poland noticed and Poland needed a place to cause some upset, get some Battle Hero medals and what other medals they can get by conquering a small defenseless country and Denmark is just an easy target.

I contacted the Polish President right away, after I had been informed about their declaration of war against Denmark and here is what is going to happen.

Poland will start taking Danish regions tomorrow. There is absolutely nothing we can do to prevent this, so we will not try.
We will on the other hand help Poland win as fast as possible (not giving any battle heroes away if possible on the Danish side) and as soon as Denmark is conquered, we will start Resistance Wars and free Denmark once more.

Do NOT start Resistance Wars in Danish regions before all other regions has been captured, unless you are told to do so by the Danish leadership. A Resistance War started before the country is fully conquered will not go through. It will therefore be a waste of money to try and start one.

Let us get through this as painless as possible and let it be a lesson to anyone in the future. Do not propose the largest nation of the world as Natural Enemy unless you want your bottom spanked.

Sincerely Yours,